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In order to quantitatively evaluate the safety of the surrounding rock of an underground cavern under seis-mic load, a comprehensive evaluation method for the stability of surrounding rock is proposed based on the general safety factor and point safety factor. A calculation method for the general safety factor of a cavern based on the prin-ciple of shear strength reduction of a rock mass is given, the run-through of the plastic zone between the main power-house and main transformer room is presented as a critical criterion for the overall instability of the cavern, and the general safety factor is obtained by searching for the reduction coefficient. A point safety factor calculation method based on the Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion is given. The influence of different seismic input parameters on the general safety factor of the cavern and the point safety factor of key positions are studied based on an underground power-house cavern of a hydropower station in Southwest China. The results show that the quantitative evaluation method for the stability of the surrounding rock based on the safety factor is feasible and can reflect the general safety de-gree and local safety degree of different positions of the cavern for different working conditions. It is found that the general safety factor of the cavern and the point safety factor of key positions decrease with an increase of the ampli-tude and duration of a seismic wave while they increase with an increase of the incident angle; additionally, the low frequency of a seismic wave has a great influence on the cavern while the high frequency has little effect. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   
Models for gasoline demand for transportation activities generally assume that demand is perfectly reversible with respect to gasoline price (and income). The small literature which relaxes the reversibility assumption in gasoline demand argues technological fixation leads to this asymmetry and utilizes aggregate time-series model to find evidence in favour of asymmetry. In this research it is suggested that there could also be behavioural factors behind this asymmetric response, possibly due to the loss aversion nature of human beings as described in the prospect theory. For the first time, household level data was used to understand asymmetry in gasoline demand in response to changes in gasoline price and income. There was statistical evidence that gasoline price and income both can induce asymmetric changes in gasoline demand among households. Specifically, elasticity with respect to rising prices and falling income is larger than the elasticity with respect to falling prices and rising income respectively, which is consistent with loss aversion in gasoline purchase behaviour. There was also some evidence of heterogeneity in the asymmetric responses between urban and rural households. The results have implications for transport-related energy tax policies or subsidies, while the method can be applied directly for non-energy goods as well.  相似文献   
我国东海海洋环境复杂,经常出现小波高、长周期的涌浪.长周期涌对系泊大型起重船吊装海洋平台上部组块影响比较大,尽管涌的波高较小,但是,吊物组块运动幅度明显比同等波高海况时的要大,严重影响了海洋平台的安装施工效率和进度,甚至威胁作业安全.本文采用水动力势流软件,建立系泊-大型起重船(包括吊臂)-索具-大型组块吊物的耦合运动模型,研究复杂涌浪环境下耦合系统运动响应特性及其机理,并开展了参数敏感性分析,讨论对耦合响应影响因素.最后,对东海涌浪情况下起重安装施工,提出了降低吊装组块运动响应的建议措施.  相似文献   
文章采用了空气动力、水动力、控制与弹性完全耦合的时域模拟方法研究了张力腿式浮式风机平台的动力响应.水动力载荷的计算采用了三维势流理论与Morison公式.空气动力载荷的计算采用了叶素动量理论和广义动态尾流理论.利用FAST软件得到了张力腿式浮式风机平台响应的时域结果,并分析了其动力响应特性.建立了描述平台纵荡运动的非线性微分方程,并采用了摄动方法求得其近似解,解释了纵荡运动中由非线性粘性效应引起的高频响应.对数值模拟结果的分析表明高频的响应分量对平台的动力性能有显著的影响.  相似文献   
海上风电运维船通常采用船首顶靠海上风机塔基靠船桩的方式来保证风机维护人员的安全登塔,因此对其在相应海况条件下的纵摇、升沉等水动力响应进行分析研究很有必要.本文采用Fine/Marine和AQWA软件,对某运维船在实际海况条件下的耦合水动力响应进行分析研究,从而为风电维护人员的安全登离以及辅助登离设备的研发提供参考.  相似文献   
使用WAMIT软件建立了OC3-Hywind Spar式浮式风机模型,联合FAST软件计算了浮式风机在不同工况下的幅值响应算子;结合为南海海域波浪条件优化后的JONSWAP谱,对浮式风机进行了不同工况下的响应谱分析及最大响应值计算;进一步阐述了浮式平台结构构型参数的变化对整体结构在南海相应工况下的运动影响。  相似文献   
运用AQWA软件,针对双浮箱-双水平板浮式防波堤,建立不规则波作用下浮体锚链的耦合模型,研究时域情况下,改变水平板与浮箱的垂直间距,分析浮体运动响应以及锚链受力情况;并深入探讨了不同波浪周期和波高情况下水平板长度对浮体运动响应以及锚链受力的影响.结果表明,增加水平板与浮箱的垂直间距和水平板长度,可以有效减小浮体运动响应和锚链受力.波高和波浪周期是浮体重要的水动力因素,波高越大,波浪周期越长,浮体运动响应越剧烈;当浮体水平板长度达到21米左右时,整个防波堤达到最佳锚泊状态.  相似文献   
基于改进移动最小二乘法对结构可靠性问题进行分析,数值模拟结果表明,改进方法可有效提高计算精度.具体方法是使用椭圆范数代替二范数来度量样本点到中心点的距离,并根据上次迭代所得到的响应面在中心点处的法向量与坐标轴所成角度,对影响域进行旋转变换;从而将样本点的权重大小由样本点与中心点、响应面的距离共同决定,并将每次迭代得到的响应面函数在中心点处的法向信息包含在内.  相似文献   
对海上风机支撑结构进行动力响应分析,求出结构危险节点的载荷谱和功率谱密度函数,结合疲劳损伤模型和Dirlik概率模型,分别在时域和频域内对支撑结构进行疲劳寿命分析.由于时域法计算疲劳寿命需进行应力循环计数,这一过程需处理的数据庞大,耗时长.频域法省去应力循环计数,代之以概率密度函数,可相对准确、快速地计算结构的疲劳寿命.分析结果表明,采用Dirlik概率模型的频域分析法能较准确地反映海上风机支撑结构在随机载荷作用下的疲劳损伤情况,计算结果误差在可接受范围内.  相似文献   
作为一种综合性浮式平台,浮式钻井生产储油船简称FDPSO,具备石油钻探、生产、储备等功能,是在浮式生产储油船的基础上发展而来.FDPSO主要工作于海况比较恶劣的深水海域,因而如何准确预报FDPSO的运动响应和锚链的预张力非常必要.本文基于时域耦合方法对FDPSO运动响应和锚链的预张力进行预报,在此基础上将数值结果与试验结果进行对比以验证理论计算的可靠性.通过改变锚链线的预张力来研究预张力对FDPSO运动响应的影响.文中提供了运动响应的时历曲线和响应谱,并对比分析其中的异同,结果表明锚链预张力对纵荡、横荡和横摇运动的响应影响比较大.  相似文献   
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