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Recent studies demonstrated the efficiency of feedback-based gating control in mitigating congestion in urban networks by exploiting the notion of macroscopic or network fundamental diagram (MFD or NFD). The employed feedback regulator of proportional-integral (PI)-type targets an operating NFD point of maximum throughput to enhance the mobility in the urban road network during the peak period, under saturated traffic conditions. In previous studies, gating was applied directly at the border of the protected network (PN), i.e. the network part to be protected from over-saturation. In this work, the recently developed feedback-based gating concept is applied at junctions located further upstream of the PN. This induces a time-delay, which corresponds to the travel time needed for gated vehicles to approach the PN. The resulting extended feedback control problem can be also tackled by use of a PI-type regulator, albeit with different gain values compared to the case without time-delay. Detailed procedures regarding the appropriate design of related feedback regulators are provided. In addition, the developed feedback concept is shown to work properly with very long time-steps as well. A large part of the Chania, Greece, urban network, modelled in a microscopic simulation environment under realistic traffic conditions, is used as test-bed in this study. The reported results demonstrate a stable and efficient behaviour and improved mobility of the overall network in terms of mean speed and travel time.  相似文献   
In this paper a novel solution algorithm is proposed for exactly solving simplified first order dynamic network loading (DNL) problems for any generalised network. This DNL solution algorithm, termed eLTM (event-based Link Transmission Model), is based on the seminal Lighthill–Witham–Richards (LWR) model, adopts a triangular fundamental diagram and includes a generalised first order node model formulation. Unlike virtually all DNL solution algorithms, eLTM does not rely on time discretisation, but instead adopts an event based approach. The main advantage of this approach is the possibility of yielding exact results. Furthermore, an approximate version of the same algorithm is introduced. The user can configure an a-priori threshold that dictates the approximation error (measurable a-posteriori). Using this approximation the computational effort required decreases significantly, making it especially suitable for large scale applications. The computational complexity is investigated and results are demonstrated via theoretical and real world case studies. Fixed periods of stationary demands are included adopting a matrix demand profile to mimic basic departure time demand fluctuations. Finally, the information loss of the approximate solution is assessed under different configurations.  相似文献   
船舶在波浪中的大角度横摇运动、本质上是非线性振动问题。本文以非线性振动理论中的平均法为基础,推演了船模非线性横摇运动的幅频和相频曲线的计算公式,可预报其跳跃现象。与应用新型可控力矩式横摇激振装置的船模试验结果相比较,一致性较好。  相似文献   
株洲北牵引变电所地回流过大的原因及对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对处于株洲枢纽地区的株洲北牵引变电所因回流线设置不尽合理,未设轨回流扁钢等原因造成变电所地回流过大的情况进行了分析,提出了改造回流线、重新改造地网等减少地回流过大的应对措施.  相似文献   
为探究结构-波浪-海床耦合系统的失稳破坏机理并建立能反映此机理的计算模型,将改进的哈丁模型引入等效线性化方法,使其能反映载荷频率、循环周次以及土体平均有效主应力等多因素的影响。该模型运用于结构-波浪-海床耦合系统的非线性动力响应分析,一方面与标准哈丁模型的计算结果以及在波浪水槽进行的模型实验进行了比较,另方面着重对土体模量退化以及接触面附近土体的强度软化进行了考察,获得了一些明确的认识。  相似文献   
提出了以 EPROM 为核心构成双变量函数发生器的设计方案,并把该函数发生器用于仪表电路的设计.这种函数发生器可以完成非线性传感器的线性化处理和对测量放 .大电路的零点漂移进行自动检测和自动修正.  相似文献   
牵引电机反馈试验站测控系统主要对牵引电机进行性能测试 ,计算机根据自动检测到的数据做出综合分析 ,在测试全过程中 ,系统实时显示电机状态信息。测试后的数据 ,可按用户提出的要求进行查询打印 ,方便机务段进行数据管理 ,从根本上保证机车电机的检修质量 ,提高了检修效率。  相似文献   
绕线式异步电机转差功率反馈到电网进行调速的方法已在许多工业部门得到广泛应用,但由于调速过程中转子电势将低于电网电压,因而这种调速方式需要在电网与逆变器之间接入一个升压变压器。本文提出了一种省去升压变压器和直接将转差功率反馈到定子绕组的新的串级调速方法。文中对定子绕组反馈点的选择、等效电路数模及主要参数作了分析,并在一台改制的绕线式异步电机上作了试验,结果表明这种调速方法除经济简便外,仍具有优良的调速性能。  相似文献   
连续回转马达位置伺服系统中存在着参数不确定性及外部干扰,QFT是一种频域设计方法,能有效克服马达系统的不确定性并抑制摩擦转矩干扰。文章分别设计了QFT控制器和PID控制器,并进行仿真对比分析,理论和仿真结果均证明了所设计QFT控制器的有效性。  相似文献   
提出了铂电阻数字测温仪表的最佳设计方案,分析了铂热电阻传感器的非线性特性;论证了现有的线性化方法的利弊,确定了采用非线性A/D转换器实现线性化补偿的设计方案;详细介绍了在-200℃~850℃范围内任意量程的最佳线性化参数及最大非线性化误差的计算方法;给出了具有三线制导线电阻消除功能的仪表完整的设计原理图及整机调试方法.该设计方案整机稳定性好,线路简单易行,调试方便,线性化精度高,不需要基准电压源,适用于全范围内任意量程的仪表,最大限度地降低了铂电阻数字测温仪表的元器件成本和调试成本,另外,同一个线路板,可用于铜电阻数字测温仪表.该设计方案具有很高的推广应用价值.  相似文献   
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