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在油气长输管道设计中,管道的壁厚设计计算和选取直接影响到管道输送安全和工程投资.针对油气长输管道壁厚计算因输送介质不同、输送温度不同、输送压力不同及处于不同地段而产生的差异,归纳总结出油气长输管道普通线路段、穿跨越段和站场部分管道壁厚计算方法,也总结出了在管道壁厚的选取中需要注意的问题及应用的规范.  相似文献   
管道内防腐层补口技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
管道内衬或内防腐涂层现场施焊时,焊缝两侧的防腐层会由于高温作用而破坏,使环焊缝处不能得到有效的保护,内补口技术也成为影响管道质量的主要瓶颈。文中介绍了国内外主要的内补口技术,如内补口机法、内衬保护套(管)焊接法、不锈钢接头法、机械连接法等,并指出各方法的特点。文中还就内补口技术的质量控制和研究方向等提出了建议。  相似文献   
The greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with road construction activities are analyzed. The main focus of this analysis is on the vehicle emissions associated with alternative project staging approaches, specifically a full closure of the road during construction, versus an intermittent road closure. The analysis includes the direct and upstream emissions associated with materials, construction equipment, mobilization of resources to the work site, and maintenance activity associated with the project over its lifetime. The analysis is based on one case study of a road project in New Jersey. The assumptions underlying the staging analysis are based on hypothetical approaches. Results provide an assessment of the main sources of project related emissions and the ability to minimize total project emissions by minimizing traffic disruption. In the analysis with a full closure of the road, traffic disruption accounts for 26% of total emissions, while with an intermittent road closure, traffic disruption accounts for only 2% of total emissions. The other main sources are from materials and life-cycle maintenance. The analysis demonstrates the feasibility of minimizing project related GHG emissions during road construction activities.  相似文献   
In this paper, airline energy efficiency is divided into three stages: the operations stage, the services stage and the sales stage. Greenhouse gas emissions are treated as an undesirable output of the services stage. This new three-stage strategic operating framework is a modification of existing models. A new model, Virtual Frontier Network Range Adjusted Measure with weak disposability, is proposed to evaluate the efficiencies of 22 international airlines, from 2008 to 2012. The results show that the new model can establish more reasonable rankings and confirm new benchmarking airlines and that inclusion in the European Union’s Emissions Trading Scheme has had little influence on the improvement of airline energy efficiency.  相似文献   
讨论江海直达小型LNG运输的设计要点。以1 000 m3LNG运输船为目标,结合武汉长江大桥下游的长江平流通航条件以及投资和营运经济性,探讨相适应的船型尺度,确定合适的航速以及液货舱型式,对于机型的选择进行分析比较,提出较为合适的船型配置方案建议。  相似文献   
随着国家高速公路的迅猛发展,公路隧道越来越多地应用于高速公路的建设当中。当隧道经过煤层或采空区时,隧道周边围岩就会有瓦斯存在。作为特殊地质地段隧道的一种,瓦斯隧道施工过程中,要特别注意隧道内瓦斯的浓度,否则,极有可能发生瓦斯爆炸,引起工程事故。结合松卜岭隧道的瓦斯防护技术设计,主要讨论隧道通过煤层时,隧道掘进施工过程中的瓦斯突出危险性预测及防突措施。  相似文献   
梁东  廖振芳 《隧道建设》2007,27(A01):36-39
合(肥)武(汉)铁路客运专线红石岩隧道穿越大别山区,大别山区系变质岩地区,但是在隧道施工过程中发现燃烧现象,通过现场检测和化学试验确定岩石所含气体成分,在此基础上提出了相关瓦斯隧道施工技术措施,通过这些技术措施在红石岩隧道施工中的应用,确保了隧道施工的安全,并且收到了良好的效果。  相似文献   
基于LabVIEW管道泄漏检测系统的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了管道泄漏检测系统的设计原理.利用LabVIEW中的小波分析函数对采集到的信号进行处理,并利用小波变换模极大值捕捉压力信号的突变点,从而得出负压波传播到上下游监测点的时间差,进而利用负压波定位原理进行泄漏点的定位.另外,对于优化程序内存和提高CPU的利用率提出了一些有效的解决方法.  相似文献   
针对SPD在应用中存在的几个问题进行探讨.重点论述了SPD的响应时间、多级SPD的动作顺序、不同波形冲击电流的等效变换、残压与冲击电流峰值的关系和SPD应用中各个电压量之间的相互关系等问题,可供相关系统设计、运行、维护人员参考.  相似文献   
输油管道检漏系统在胜利油田的应用现状及其发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
总结了输油管道检漏系统在胜利油田的研究、应用、推广中取得的经验教训,提出系统使用中存在的问题,并指出了在线检漏系统的发展方向.  相似文献   
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