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尹力  史玲娜  刘贞毅  张龙 《隧道建设》2019,39(Z1):327-333
为解决公路隧道照明节能压力和品质提升之间的矛盾问题,采用新型发光反光高性能涂料用于隧道涂装。通过模拟分析不同涂装方案对路面亮度、亮度均匀度及目标物亮度的增益作用得到适用于工程的应用方案。依托工程应用效果表明,采用发光反光高性能涂料涂装后,隧道行车安全性和舒适性程度更高,所用方案可降低隧道照明年运营能耗在20%以上。本技术对提升隧道照明安全和节能水平、推动隧道提质升级具有促进作用。  相似文献   
The development status of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, the development trend of intelligent engineering machines and the urgent national needs for the future intelligent TBMs are introduced briefly. It is pointed out that the intelligentization will be the hot spot of the tunnel engineering area and the focuses of future industry competition. The scientific challenges due to the complexity of the working environment, including state recognition and environment perception, correlation law between geological environment and operation parameters, intelligent planning and coordinated control of multi systems, are raised. In addition, the existing research foundation are analyzed and the inadequacy of the theory including environment and state perception, adaptive & dynamic control of construction parameters, multi system coordination control and multi objective optimization are obtained. At last, some thinking from the aspects of design, manufacture and operation, such as excavation perception, the adaptive dynamic control of excavation parameter condition, the excavation parameter data collection and calculation, intelligent optimization and decision making of tunneling parameters and the multi system coordination intelligent control are proposed.  相似文献   
To ensure the safe, rapid and high quality construction of Zhengzhou Wanzhou High speed Railway, a series of exploration and innovation of construction technology, structural design and information management under the condition of large scale mechanization is used in the whole construction process. The technology includes: (1)A set of advanced geological prediction, advanced pre reinforcement technology of excavation face, mechanized construction technology of primary support, wide waterproof board trolley operation technology and intelligentized full face lining trolley of large scale mechanized construction technology are formed. (2)A classification method of surrounding rock stability is established based on the mechanized construction technology, and the design parameters of the tunnel support structure are optimized under the guidance of New Austria Tunneling Method. (3)To realize informatized management of tunnel construction, the tunnel construction management system, construction information record system, construction safety management system, quality management system of concrete mixing station and quality credit evaluation system are established. Finally, on the basis of mechanized and informatized construction, exploration and outlook of the tunnel intelligentized construction technology are given from the aspects of the dynamic intelligentized design system of tunnel support system, the intelligentized robot construction technology of tunnel support system and the intelligentized monitoring system of tunnel structure, to promote China′s tunnel construction technology.  相似文献   
Shenzhen Chunfeng Tunnel is one of the shield tunnels under construction with the largest diameter in mainland of China. The whole tunnel passes through the coastal composite stratum, with rock from broken to integral, and the strength of some sections reaches 173 MPa. The tunnel under crosses the railway, subway, bridge and multiple buildings closely in a complex and sensitive environment. Combining the stratum situation and characteristics of large diameter shield machine, the problems that will be faced during the construction process, including low rock breaking efficiency of shield machine, discharge stagnation and jamming of the chamber, settlement control in sensitive environment, and impact of large diameter shield segment floating, cracking and construction on urban traffic, are analyzed. Based on the engineering experience, the following solutions are proposed: a shield rock breaking efficiency solution for the complete extremely hard rock section, settlement control measures for adjacent buildings and structures of shield driven tunnels, solutions for jamming and discharge stagnation of large diameter slurry shield, comprehensive measures for prevention and control of shield segment floating and cracking, and a slag treatment plan for downtown areas. Chunfeng Tunnel tests the wisdom of Chinese builders with its tremendous volume and strict construction standards, and it also has certain reference significance for other similar projects.  相似文献   
Two major concerns have been drawn in the process of shield construction: one is the difficulty in selecting a shield machine; the other is the high risk of opening for cutterhead changing. Based on the existing shield systems, a parallel dual mode shield with freezing cutterhead is developed by optimising internal structure and equipment and carrying the freezing device. The dual mode shield construction technology and freezing cutterhead technology are successfully carried out on project cases including Guangzhou Metro Line 9, Guangzhou Metro Line 21 and 220 kV Shijing Huanxi Electric Tunnel (Xiwan Road Shisha Road Section). The parallel dual mode slurry/EPB shield not only has the functions and advantages of slurry shield and EPB shield but also can switch into slurry/EPB mode for different strata and environments easily. Thus, it can achieve rapid shield tunneling. By combining the shield with the freezing system, the soil around cutterhead can be frozen to provide conditions for chamber opening under atmospheric condition. Meanwhile, it is also compatible with dual mode shield.  相似文献   
LI Bo  BAO Zhen 《隧道建设》2019,39(5):820-831
The author focuse on the great challenges encountered during the tunneling process in the Wuhan Sanyang Road Tunnel, and the key techniques adopted to solve those problems. When tunneling in composite strata, engineers inevitably face problems such as inefficient excavation, excessive tool wear, excavation face instability and the risk of clogging. The TBM used in the project allows tool change under atmospheric pressure, which improves the efficiency of tool change and eliminated the risk of casualties during hyperbaric interventions. In terms of the tool wear and clogging, the authors propose technical solutions as follows: the optimization of the tool′s type and configuration, improvement of the central flushing system and chemical dissolution of clogging. The results indicate that through the countermeasures proposed, the tunneling efficiency can be improved effectively. They also reduce the cutter change frequency and eliminate the risk of TBM downtime. The technical achievements obtained in the construction of the Wuhan Sanyang Road Tunnel can provide technical reference for the construction of large diameter shield tunnels in composite strata in the future.  相似文献   
深基坑工程中常常出现围护桩成桩垂直度偏差以致侵入主体结构限界的现象,为保证后续主体结构尺寸符合要求,需要对侵限部位进行凿除,进而导致其抗弯承载能力下降。针对圆截面桩体局部凿除后的抗弯承载能力计算问题,基于二次逼近法,建立圆形钢筋混凝土桩局部破除后正截面抗弯承载能力计算方法,结合实际工程分析围护桩局部破除后对基坑围护结构体系的安全性影响。结果表明: 桩身局部破除后,纵向受力钢筋切断和桩身截面面积的减小将导致桩身正截面抗弯能力快速下降;依托工程中800 mm 的围护桩,凿除18 cm 厚度(含切断6根主筋)后,其正截面抗弯能力下降至原设计值的55%,剩余承载力已不能满足安全支护的要求,需进行加固处理。  相似文献   
为加强对公路隧道运营风险的辨识、改善和优化公路隧道运营安全,降低重大隧道事故对人员伤亡、隧道结构、设备和经济收益的损失,通过隧道事故调研和大数据技术,收集近些年在全国范围内发生的802起公路隧道事故,对公路隧道自身特性和隧道事故的时间、空间、类型、诱因等特征进行分析。研究结果表明: 1)外界因素对隧道事故影响较大,在高温和车流量较大的环境下,事故发生较多; 2)特长隧道和长隧道的事故数远高于短隧道和中隧道; 3)小型车是隧道内发生事故的主要车型,事故原因多是驾驶员违规驾驶,事故类型多为追尾事故; 4)火灾事故的诱因多为车辆自身故障,其中危化品泄露多为易燃液体泄露。  相似文献   
为解决二次衬砌脱空的问题,实现在浇筑过程中对衬砌脱空的主动监测,结合隧道二次衬砌衬背脱空的成因,研发基于分布式压密传感器的隧道衬砌脱空主动监测系统。该系统由分布式压密传感带、延长线、直显终端及工业电脑组成,具有原理简单、安装便捷等优点。通过在衬砌层间预埋分布式压密传感器,对浇筑过程进行主动监测,结合带模注浆技术,实现对衬砌脱空的精准注浆与快速处治,有效解决隧道衬砌脱空问题。在验证试验中,系统在浇筑过程中共发现2处拱顶空洞,证明该系统对脱空监测的有效性。同时,该系统在国内部分重点铁路线已经取得应用,现场应用情况表明,该系统对二次衬砌拱顶脱空的识别准确率可达到95.5%。  相似文献   
柳献  张宸  叶宇航  杨先华  魏立新 《隧道建设》2016,36(12):1428-1434
基于广州深层排水隧道,介绍了一种新型聚氯乙烯(PVC)内衬结构,可增强盾构排水隧道的防水和防蚀性能。当管片发生环内变形和环间错台时,盾构隧道接缝位置的PVC内衬处于不利受力状态,故针对PVC防水防蚀内衬的力学性能进行试验研究。通过拉拔试验对PVC内衬与管体之间键的连接可靠性进行研究,通过纵缝压弯试验和环缝剪切试验分别对盾构管片发生环内变形和环间错台时PVC内衬本体和焊缝的力学性能和变形能力进行研究。试验结果表明PVC防水防蚀内衬具有与管片衬砌结构协同变形能力,其力学性能满足要求。  相似文献   
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