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城市轨道交通的快速发展使轨道交通高技能人才的需求常年维持在高位,如何培养更加符合企业用人需求的轨道交通高技能人才是相关职业院校的共同课题。通过分析轨道交通高技能人才培养现状并结合本专业建设经验,总结出依托"校内+校外"实训基地双平台建设,深化校企合作,产融合力,实施"基地共创、学生共培、师资共建、研训共享、文化共融"的"五共"人才培养模式,提升轨道交通高技能人才的培养质量。  相似文献   
共享汽车行业曾在几年前广为繁荣,但由于其所具有的重模式、高成本、难以盈利等弊端,造成企业难以持续融资,行业难以持续繁荣的困境。如今,随着汽车车型更新换代日益迅速,加之疫情影响经济发展,消费者更倾向于轻便的用车模式,使得具有“分时租赁”特点的共享汽车获得很大发展机遇。本文综合利用Excel、Python软件,先以经纬度为横纵目标对附件数据进行离群值剔除与可视化展示,并将其在空间上划分成25个区域,从而更准确地研究其空间特征;其次,使用Matlab软件构建DBSCAN聚类算法模型,将不同区域共享汽车的实际密度情况以热力图形式在地图上可视展现,得出共享汽车分布主要集中在经度34.78377、纬度32.0556等区域附近,这些区域大多集中位于城市中心,人口密度相对高,共享汽车使用频率高的结论,同时编程得出不同型号车辆在整体区域信息的出现频率次数表,进行不同维度变化分析,得到共享汽车使用集中在早午晚高峰期,该时间段内人流量大,用车需求量高,汽车使用频率高的结论。  相似文献   
针对城市公共自行车系统日常调度工作量大问题,提出一种城市公共自行车准动态调度方法. 该方法通过分析公共自行车站点容量、日均租还差和各时段租还量间的约束关系,评估站点的调度频次并划分站点类型;以日均调度任务量均衡和日均调度里程最低为目标,以调度车容量为约束条件,优化日常调度路径;与经验调度法进行了对比,验证了本方法的有效性. 结果表明:在调度数量方面,准动态调度方法2018 年1 月周日均和月日均调度工作量分别为3 872 次和4 247 次,较同月实际值5 690 次降低了32%和25%;在调度里程方面,准动态调度方法的周日均行驶里程和月日均行驶里程分别为94.7 km和103.6 km,较同月实际调度里程113.1 km分别降低了16%和8%.该方法对宁波公共自行车日常调度具有良好的实践价值.  相似文献   
为规范已运营的共享单车服务,同时为尚未投放共享单车的城市提供决策依据,通过设计和发放李克特调查量表获取受访者对共享单车运营与管理的态度,采用探索性因子分析和验证性因子分析提炼受访者的潜在态度因子,建立表征潜在态度因子之间相关关系、潜在态度因子与调查题项之间相关关系的结构方程模型。模型估计结果表明,通过车辆停放管理和停放技术研发与应用等手段可提升人们规范停放共享单车的意识,而规范共享单车企业的运营行为可改善民众对共享单车的认知,建立共享单车企业品牌效应,提高共享单车企业的市场占有率。  相似文献   
开关电源的分布式并联均流技术概述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
施三保 《船电技术》2006,26(2):19-23
随着大功率和分布式开关电源需求的不断提高,分布式并联均流技术已成为电力电子研究的一个热门问题和发展方向。本文综合阐述了开关电源并联均流技术的应用背景、基本原理、常用方法及其发展趋势。  相似文献   
为探讨共享单车用户在不同影响因素下对现金奖励调度策略的接受程度,设定了针对共享单车用户的调查问卷,并在济南市进行了调查,得到519份有效问卷。基于扩展的计划行为理论(Extended Theory of Planned Behavior, ETPB)模型和相关结构方程模型(Structural Equation Model, SEM),设定了社会规范、支付能力、体力、感知服务、感知绿色价值5个构念以及5个相关假定,以测度不同奖励调度情境下共享单车用户对奖励策略的接受程度。结果显示,支付能力和体力对用户接受调度的影响程度最大,其次是社会规范和感知服务,感知绿色价值的影响程度最小。在此基础之上,提出了增大站点密度、实行现金奖励及提高车辆质量等建议,以降低运营成本、提升用户满意度与车辆使用率。  相似文献   
文章针对广西交通科技项目管理系统现状,分析了建设交通科技资源共享平台的必要性,阐述了交通科技资源共享平台建设的关键技术、创新点及主要内容,指出该共享平台的建设可改善和提高交通运输科技项目质量及监管水平。  相似文献   
科学技术的发展遵循一定的轨迹,也会为信息技术市场带来必然的改变.面对众多的市场机会和激烈的竞争环境,需要通过科学有效的方法找准市场规律,以新的视角开拓差异化市场,使企业进入可持续发展的良性循环中.本文通过分析3种技术发展趋势,展开讨论了新市场的切入方法,并分享3个典型技术市场案例供读者思考.  相似文献   
Free-floating bike sharing (FFBS) is an innovative bike sharing model. FFBS saves on start-up cost, in comparison to station-based bike sharing (SBBS), by avoiding construction of expensive docking stations and kiosk machines. FFBS prevents bike theft and offers significant opportunities for smart management by tracking bikes in real-time with built-in GPS. However, like SBBS, the success of FFBS depends on the efficiency of its rebalancing operations to serve the maximal demand as possible.Bicycle rebalancing refers to the reestablishment of the number of bikes at sites to desired quantities by using a fleet of vehicles transporting the bicycles. Static rebalancing for SBBS is a challenging combinatorial optimization problem. FFBS takes it a step further, with an increase in the scale of the problem. This article is the first effort in a series of studies of FFBS planning and management, tackling static rebalancing with single and multiple vehicles. We present a Novel Mixed Integer Linear Program for solving the Static Complete Rebalancing Problem. The proposed formulation, can not only handle single as well as multiple vehicles, but also allows for multiple visits to a node by the same vehicle. We present a hybrid nested large neighborhood search with variable neighborhood descent algorithm, which is both effective and efficient in solving static complete rebalancing problems for large-scale bike sharing programs.Computational experiments were carried out on the 1 Commodity Pickup and Delivery Traveling Salesman Problem (1-PDTSP) instances used previously in the literature and on three new sets of instances, two (one real-life and one general) based on Share-A-Bull Bikes (SABB) FFBS program recently launched at the Tampa campus of University of South Florida and the other based on Divvy SBBS in Chicago. Computational experiments on the 1-PDTSP instances demonstrate that the proposed algorithm outperforms a tabu search algorithm and is highly competitive with exact algorithms previously reported in the literature for solving static rebalancing problems in SBSS. Computational experiments on the SABB and Divvy instances, demonstrate that the proposed algorithm is able to deal with the increase in scale of the static rebalancing problem pertaining to both FFBS and SBBS, while deriving high-quality solutions in a reasonable amount of CPU time.  相似文献   
To determine the spatial distribution of rental stations and bikeways in a public bike system, this paper proposes a facility location and network design model. The model is developed as a multi-objective programing problem that considers four objectives (minimizing cyclist risk, maximizing cyclist comfort, minimizing adverse impacts on traffic and maximizing service coverage) and multiple constraints (monetary budget, network connectivity, station spacing, bikeway types, station number and value ranges of decision variables). The ε-constraint method solves the programing problem for the public bike system in Daan District, Taipei City, Taiwan. The nine non-dominated alternatives generated are all markedly better than existing locations of rental stations and bikeways. Scenario analysis results indicate that increasing the construction budget for bikeways significantly improves cyclist safety and comfort whilst increasing the adverse impact on traffic. Planners can use this model to develop public bike systems that spatially integrate rental stations and bikeway networks.  相似文献   
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