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顾宽海  周松泽  宋凡 《水运工程》2020,(12):147-154
传统的内河航道建设重点关注航运、灌溉、防洪排涝等功能,但随着经济与社会的不断发展,人们也越来越关注传统功能外的生态美、景观美、人与自然和谐的问题。以某内河航道整治工程为例,针对平面规划线型与现状线型差异大、文物保护要求和生态景观要求高、环保压力大等工程特点,通过对航道平面线型、护岸结构、文物保护、生态景观、节能环保等关键技术要点进行研究,提出自然型护岸线、生态型护岸、矩形航道断面的文物保护方案、节能环保的装配式护岸建造方案等设计对策,达到航道建设的生态美、景观美、人与自然和谐的效果。  相似文献   
本文分析了大中城市中短途休闲旅游的交通出行特征,探讨了当前中短途休闲旅游交通出行方式中存在的公共交通分担率较低等问题,论述了当前交通需求下积极构建快速公交系统无缝衔接休闲旅游景区与城际轨道站点的必要性。结合交通运输部提出的"快进"的旅游交通运输系统指示,通过构建无缝衔接换乘体系,打造能够适应当前休闲旅游"舒适、安全、便捷、快速"交通出行需求的快速公交无缝衔接体系,具有重要意义。  相似文献   
The South China Sea has attained global attention because of terraria disputes over oil, gas, fisheries and other resources in the sea area. Compared with the valuable natural resources, the underwater cultural heritage is not recognized or considered, but is an important legacy of many losses of vessels over centuries. Recently, the surrounding states in the South China Sea have taken measures to preserve underwater cultural heritage in their sea waters. However, the current complicated situation of the South China Sea intensifies the difficulties of protection of underwater cultural heritagein that area. There is an important and interesting potential issue of identification of ownership of underwater cultural heritage because of differences of legislation and claims to jurisdiction. Under the current information of legislation of some states in the South China Sea, it can be understood this issue cannot be avoid on the protection of underwater cultural heritage. This article discusses potential disputes over ownership of underwater cultural heritage in the South China Sea based on the different legislation of several states (China, Vietnam and Philippines) and proposes some possible suggestions for resolving the issue of ownership, rather than performing a primary research.  相似文献   
Understanding how people are dependent on Large Scale Marine Protected Areas (LSMPAs) is important for understanding how people might be sensitive to changes that affect these seascapes. We review how resource dependency is conceptualized and propose that it be broadened to include cultural values such as pride in resource status, scientific heritage, appreciation of aesthetics, biodiversity, and lifestyle opportunities. We provide an overview of how local residents (n = 3,181 face-to-face surveys), commercial fishers (n = 210, telephone surveys), and tourism operators (n = 119 telephone surveys) are potentially dependent on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR), a region currently experiencing significant environmental, social, and economic change. We found that commercial fishers and tourism operators were dependent not only financially on the GBR, but also because of their age, years in the industry and region, lack of education, and the number of dependents. These stakeholders lacked flexibility to secure alternative employment. All stakeholder groups, regardless of economic imperatives, were dependent on the GBR because of their cultural connections. We propose that resource dependency also provides an umbrella concept to describe the cultural services provided by an ecosystem, which can be described through place-based dependence and place-identity.  相似文献   
为防止北京市旅游高峰期间景区周边交通混乱以及城市交通路网负荷增加,选取北京市三 处景点进行问卷调查,将游客的年龄、是否有车、月收入、同行人数及同伴类型等数据作为影响游客交通方式选择的因素。与此同时,对所需数据进行有效性检验,进而分析不同游客的出行方 式特性,利用非集计模型对游客的交通方式选择行为进行研究。结果显示:游客的年龄、是否有车、月收入、同行人数以及同伴类型这几类因素对游客的交通方式选择的影响均显著,并得到游 客对私家车、出租车、地铁及公交车这四类交通方式选择的比例,分别为17%, 7%, 54%, 22%。研究表明,北京市旅游交通方式的需求以公共交通为主,尤其是对轨道交通的需求,为此建议进 一步加大北京市旅游公共交通系统建设,提高旅游交通的服务质量。  相似文献   
Despite increasing focus on sustainable aquaculture investment in the U.S. coastal zones, the aquaculture industry continues to face skepticism among consumers due to perceived negative environmental impacts, and health and food safety concerns. Partnering with culinary tourism and local food promotion efforts has potential for improving public outreach about the benefits of aquaculture, especially in coastal destinations where sustainable marine aquaculture and tourism are both occurring. Culinary tourism implies that local foods reflect the local livelihood and culture, and may be important to the tourist's experience. Aquaculture is becoming increasingly valuable to coastal destinations for assuring the steady availability of local seafood to meet demand and retaining commercial fisheries as a means to differentiate themselves to tourists. This study examined the role of subjective knowledge and attitude about aquaculture, and their effect on intention to participate in value-added culinary aquaculture tourism experiences. The study found that tourists' subjective knowledge and attitude about aquaculture influenced intentions to participate in culinary aquaculture tourism. In order for farmers or tour operators to be successful in diversifying with value-added culinary aquaculture, attention needs to be paid to educating consumers, which may be possible through strategic partnerships with tourism organizations, chefs, and restaurants.  相似文献   
中国古代桥梁具有极高的技术成就,然而迄今为止,我国尚没有古桥被列入世界文化遗产,因此开展中国古桥申报世界文化遗产的研究非常必要。为了加快我国古桥申遗的进程、促进我国古桥的保护与传承,从世界遗产的相关定义与要求出发,介绍被列入世界文化遗产桥梁的特点,对我国古代桥梁的价值与技术成就进行讨论。根据世界文化遗产入选的条件,我国的古代石拱桥和木拱桥最具有申遗实力。依据桥梁作为功能性结构、技术复杂结构的特点,在此基础上提出中国古代桥梁申报世界文化遗产应聚集核心技术内容的研究,突出其核心价值和技术成就。  相似文献   
The coastal zone is attractive for human settlement because it tends to be resource rich, providing a good location to generate incomes and livelihoods. Equally, however, it is a complex and powerful natural environment, which means that the coastal zone often becomes a focus of conflict with multiple users competing for limited space and resources. Understanding the causes of, and determining solutions to, the ensuing problems requires inputs from a range of analyses across sectors and disciplines. However, different disciplinary and sectoral approaches frequently use different investigative methods, language, and means of presenting results. This article presents a framework that has been developed in collaboration with Indian institutions over the past three years in an effort to address some of these fundamental problems of analysis and translation into policy action. Key components addressed by the framework are strengthening the capacity to practice, knowing how to proceed and how to find out what needs to be known using experience-based problem solving.  相似文献   
从影响文化遗产数字化保护的内外因素分析入手,得出影响文化遗产数字化保护的两类主要内部因素为:其自身的自然属性与文化属性;七类主要外部因素为:科技因素、政策因素、管理因素、传播因素、研究因素、经济因素、群体因素;以及一类次要其他因素。在此基础上进一步推导得出文化遗产数字化保护效能公式,并得出结论:变量政策因素和经济因素作为具有否定作用的主要变量因素,决定着整个效能的高效与否;同时其他变量因素之和值量的高低,也在很大程度上决定着最后评定的效能值。  相似文献   
校企合作,工学结合人才培养模式是职业教育改革的发展方向,也是提高学生职业能力的有效途径。如何使工学结合更为紧密,途径有很多,其中将企业文化引入到校园,通过在校园内营造浓郁的企业文化,使学生在学校学习期间就感受到企业文化的熏陶,对其提高职业适应能力,尽快融入到企业生产过程中,具有重要意义。本文试图从"四条途径"和"十二种方式"入手,就如何将企业文化引入到职业学校校园做以阐述。  相似文献   
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