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顾宽海  周松泽  宋凡 《水运工程》2020,(12):147-154
传统的内河航道建设重点关注航运、灌溉、防洪排涝等功能,但随着经济与社会的不断发展,人们也越来越关注传统功能外的生态美、景观美、人与自然和谐的问题。以某内河航道整治工程为例,针对平面规划线型与现状线型差异大、文物保护要求和生态景观要求高、环保压力大等工程特点,通过对航道平面线型、护岸结构、文物保护、生态景观、节能环保等关键技术要点进行研究,提出自然型护岸线、生态型护岸、矩形航道断面的文物保护方案、节能环保的装配式护岸建造方案等设计对策,达到航道建设的生态美、景观美、人与自然和谐的效果。  相似文献   
为保护落成洲整治建筑物头部潜堤根部及LL3~LL5号丁坝根部的现有植被,在标准网箱结构的基础上,研发出异形网箱结构来替代抛石筑堤。异形网箱生态堤在满足工程功能需求的前提下,完整保护了落成洲的原有生态环境,可为航道整治生态结构设计提供参考。  相似文献   
Community-based management (CBM) could be an essential tool to prevent the depletion of marine resources in the Western Indian Ocean region. In Kenya, political pressure to strengthen local governance, has led to adoption of CBM as a way of reducing over-exploitation and managing the competing uses and impacts on the marine environment. Several communities in Kenya have embraced CBM and have set aside or closed previously fished areas to enhance recovery of fisheries and biodiversity. These community fisheries closures (locally called tengefu), despite being degraded, may recover to finfish abundances and biodiversity levels similar to established MPAs or above thresholds for maintaining some ecological services. Communities see their direct involvement and control of these tengefu as more likely to result in benefits flowing directly to them. Community closures are also important for articulating and resolving community values and strengthening their management capacity. Here, we describe the evolution of the tengefu movement in Kenya and combine information from focus group discussions, interviews, underwater surveys and boundary marking to evaluate the current status, opportunities and challenges facing these tengefu. We show that in some cases community closures suffer from slow and incomplete national and local legislative processes, challenges to compliance, and weak management.  相似文献   
郑惊涛 《水运工程》2018,(12):16-20
为了研发生态结构,给生态航道建设提供技术支撑,在进行水生生物调研分析的基础上,提出了透水框架坝的结构形式。通过开展相应的水槽试验,对比分析透水坝与实体坝的作用区别,并结合水槽试验成果,从集鱼效应、提高鱼类栖息适合度等方面分析透水框架坝的生态效应。得到主要结论如下:1)从流场分布来看,实体坝在坝后一定范围内存在回流区;框架坝坝后无回流区存在; 2)相对于实体坝,透水坝作用效果较弱(冲刷坑深度约为实体坝的60%),作用时间更长; 3)透水框架坝能够起到人工鱼礁的作用,框架坝的内部空隙为鱼类等水生生物提供栖息庇护场所,对鱼类有较强的诱集效果; 4)框架坝通过提高水体含氧量和提高有利于鱼类的流速区面积来提高鱼类的栖息适合度。  相似文献   
针对高速铁路路基绿化工程高要求、少维护等特点,提出纤维团粒喷播技术,并详细阐述了其机理及特点.通过在京雄城际铁路路基边坡工程中的应用,归纳总结了该技术施工工艺流程:平整坡面→坡面覆土→铺设铁丝网→喷播基质→养护管理.喷播基质是利用喷播机械将性能优越的基质材料喷附至铁路路基坡面上的.工程应用表明该技术施工快,质量好,养护维修量小,经济性高.  相似文献   
就公路工程中所遇到的环境问题,结合设计施工中的解决办法,阐述公路工程的水土保持生态补偿,从而减小因道路施工给沿线自然地形、地貌造成的各种破坏,保护和改善当地环境,提高公路的使用效果,更好地发挥公路的各项功能。  相似文献   
A rapidly growing body of empirical evidence has linked improved ecological performance of social–ecological systems (SES) with better compliance with rules governing human activities. Researchers have proposed several key factors that motivate an individual to comply with resource use rules, including deterrence, social pressures, moral inclinations, and perceived legitimacy of rules and responsible authorities. Much of the research on compliance proposes causal mechanisms at the individual human level, but few studies test causal paths with empirical data particularly at the site level. This study tested a proposed pathway for explaining overall compliance rates and ecological performance in SES using data from structured surveys of community members, key informant interviews, policy documents, and coral reef surveys at marine protected areas (MPAs) and their associated human communities in the wider Caribbean. Findings indicate that compliance and other active MPA management interventions positively affect ecological performance, and site-level contextual factors (level of community development and being part of a political network) positively influence significant predictors of overall compliance rates, which include active MPA management and enforced punishments.  相似文献   
详细介绍各类生态支挡结构的主要类型、在国内外的应用情况及适用条件,并以大广高速公路为依托,介绍生态面板挡墙、石笼挡墙、生态桩板墙这3种生态支挡结构在示范工程中的应用,并对生态面板挡墙的结构进行优化设计。  相似文献   
为了研究猪屎豆和白灰毛豆两种灌木在公路边坡生态恢复中的实际应用效果,2012年在海南省中线高速(S21)选择骨架防护、三维网防护、普通喷播3种典型防护形式坡面进行了猪屎豆、白灰毛豆灌木种子不同配比方案恢复试验.试验结果表明,猪屎豆、白灰毛豆两种灌木的株高、冠幅、胸径、生长密度4个生长指标变化特征与前期种子配比情况有直接关系,其中冠幅和胸径指标正相关,但是与株高和生长密度指标负相关.该结果说明这两种灌木在海南省中线高速边坡(包括普通土质边坡和膨胀土劣质边坡)生态恢复中具有可行性,但是应调整灌木种子用量,确保灌木适宜的生长空间,维持灌木健壮的生长势,同时种子应合理搭配以维持后期边坡物种的多样性.这一研究结果可为海南省中线高速边坡生态恢复提供一定的参考.  相似文献   
Associated with the rapid increase in the production of cultured marine shrimp has been large‐scale conversion of mangroves to shrimp ponds. Production in many regions has proved to be unsustainable, largely due to inappropriate construction methods, poor environmental conditions, overstocking, and disease. A number of shrimp ponds consequently are unproductive and lie idle. Accurate assessments of pond disuse are difficult to obtain; however, unofficial estimates have suggested that as many as 70% of ponds may be disused after a period in production. Pond construction, shrimp culture, and pond disuse lead to alterations to the physical and chemical properties of soil, hydrological conditions, and the flora and fauna composition of the pond area. The case for restoration, or rehabilitation to a sustainable use, is strong. Consideration must be given to the causes of production failure, the environmental conditions remaining following disuse, the needs and preferences of pond owners and coastal managers, and technical constraints.  相似文献   
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