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文章通过以职业岗位能力为导向的教学模式研究和实践,从教改背景、理论依据、教学项目的选取、构建汽修岗位教学场景、项目实施等方面进行分析和实践,并在试点班级的实施中,充分发挥实践教学在职业教育中的核心作用,使学生快速达到企业岗位需求,并论证出该教学模式有利于提升教师教学业务能力,激发学生学习兴趣、提升学生职业岗位能力和职业素养。  相似文献   
为探索MaaS出行下,用户对不同交通出行方式组合的选择倾向性及其影响因素,针对目标用户设计了网络问卷,并回收233份有效问卷,筛选得出1个因变量和14个自变量,借助SPSS软件清洗数据并建立多项Logit模型,数据分析结果表明月生活开销和距离因素是促成用户选择MaaS不同出行方式组合的关键因素。  相似文献   
城市轨道交通的快速发展使轨道交通高技能人才的需求常年维持在高位,如何培养更加符合企业用人需求的轨道交通高技能人才是相关职业院校的共同课题。通过分析轨道交通高技能人才培养现状并结合本专业建设经验,总结出依托"校内+校外"实训基地双平台建设,深化校企合作,产融合力,实施"基地共创、学生共培、师资共建、研训共享、文化共融"的"五共"人才培养模式,提升轨道交通高技能人才的培养质量。  相似文献   
[目的]为了提高遥控水下航行器(ROV)在复杂水下环境中的姿态控制性能,开展多电机协同推进的ROV姿态控制研究。[方法]首先,针对多电机系统的结构和算法,分别提出一种基于PID速度补偿器的偏差耦合结构和一种新型非奇异终端滑模控制(SMC)算法,并设计一种新颖的基于多电机协同推进的ROV姿态控制方法;然后,建立ROV的运动学和动力学模型,开展推进器组推力建模分析、解耦简化ROV动力学模型研究;最后,设计一种ROV滑模姿态控制器。[结果]仿真结果表明,所提的结构和算法可提高多电机系统的抗干扰性、同步性和快速响应能力,进而提高ROV姿态控制系统的稳定性与鲁棒性。[结论]所提方法可为ROV姿态控制提供一种新的可用方案。  相似文献   
针对滚装甩挂运输新船型可“直进直出”条件下的“边装边卸”作业模式,与传统船型“船艉 进出”条件下的“先卸后装”作业模式对比,建立滚装甩挂码头牵引车调度的混合整数规划模型, 并设计遗传算法求解模型。通过对比不同规模算例下CPLEX与所设计遗传算法的实验结果,验证模型的正确性和算法的有效性。结果表明:相较于传统船型“先卸后装”作业模式,新船型“边装边卸”作业模式在运营成本方面可降低约15%;当装卸任务分布密集时,卸船任务靠近船艏运营成本越高,装卸任务分布稀疏时,卸船任务远离船艏运营成本越高;总体而言,“边装边卸”作业模式的运营成本低于“先卸后装”作业模式。研究结论可为“边装边卸”作业模式下的港口滚装甩 挂作业调度提供决策支持。  相似文献   
为了提高城市轨道交通中轮轴速度传感器与加速度计组合定位的精度,提出一种基于滑模控制的改进卡尔曼滤波算法。对于组合定位来说,由于卡尔曼滤波不能很好地修正加减速过程中的空转打滑误差,考虑到滑模控制器的滑动模态与系统的参数及扰动无关,提出采用基于滑模控制的改进卡尔曼滤波来进一步降低误差。其基本思路是应用指数趋近律滑模变结构来改善里程计算值,然后再进行卡尔曼滤波。并利用仿真软件对上述过程进行验证,仿真结果表明:基于滑模控制的改进卡尔曼滤波算法,能够在一定程度上减小空转打滑误差,进一步提高定位的精度。最后通过与其他卡尔曼滤波改进算法对比,得出基于滑模控制的卡尔曼滤波方法结构更为简单,也能保证一定的精度。  相似文献   
北京市现行的老年人公交免费政策在保障老年人日常出行的同时,诱发了老年人无谓出行、高峰出行、冒乘出行等问题. 针对不同出行目的、出行距离及出发时刻下老年人出行行为偏好,基于北京市第五次综合交通调查数据,构建多场景下老年人出行方式选择MNL (Multinominal Logit)模型,分析错峰优惠、阶梯式津贴等补贴政策对多方式分担率的影响,并从公共交通运能利用率、政府补贴和老年人公交支出等方面评价政策效果. 结果表明:相对现行政策,两种政策均可有效调节老年人出行行为,前者能够缓解政府财政补贴压力,但造成老年人公交支出的上升;后者侧重保护老年人群的社会福利,对行为的引导效果更显著,但仍需大量的财政补贴投入.  相似文献   
就新辟航线首制船“汉亚直达”集装箱船的低硫柴油系统,叙述了船舶低硫柴油系统的设计经验,从当前国内外对船用燃油硫含量的要求、应对方案到船舶低硫柴油冷却方式选择、低硫柴油冷却系统设计、高/低硫柴油转换、使用低硫柴油风险分析及处理等方面进行详细叙述,为业内同行提供参考。  相似文献   
Contrary to most signal decomposition methods that usually decompose an original signal into a series of components simultaneously, a novel approach based on repeated extraction of Maximum Energy Component (MEC) is proposed. The approach starts from determination of the MEC referring to the estimated Power Spectral Density (PSD) function, and then represents the MEC by employing an exponential function to fit the original signal. By defining a stopping criterion based on two adjacent estimated PSDs, each MEC can be accurately extracted with an improved performance throughout the entire signal decomposition. To verify the proposed method, a single degree-of-freedom system subject to harmonic loads has been examined. Numerical results show that the analytical response can not only be decomposed into four MECs corresponding to the excitation and the system, respectively, but also provide an accurate estimation of natural frequency and damping ratio of the system. Meanwhile, by observing results from the Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition (EEMD), Variational Mode Decomposition (VMD) and Prony based on state-space model (Prony-SS), an improved decomposition accuracy has been achieved from the proposed approach. Furthermore, experimental data from the Norwegian Deepwater Programme and two sets of field-test data from one fixed offshore platform and an offshore wind turbine have been used to demonstrate the correctness of the developed signal decomposition method. It is noted that divergence in results by Prony-SS can be observed when a very large model order is used, while the proposed method provides the better decomposition and reconstruction of signals.  相似文献   
Stiffened plates are the basic units of ships, aircraft and other structures. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the dynamic response of stiffened plates under internal blast loading. A combined experimental and numerical investigation was carried out on the cabin structures with unstiffened, single-stiffened and double-stiffened plates. The characteristics of internal blast wave, the effects of stand-off distance and the stiffener position on the deflection and failure modes of stiffened plates were sequentially analyzed. It was interestingly found that the deflection first decreased and then increased with the increase of stand-off distance. Additionally, despite of the reinforcement on the deformation resistance, the stiffeners tended to reduce the damage tolerance of the target plates. This research provides the basic data and theoretical support for the blast resistance design of ships, aircraft and other structures.  相似文献   
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