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基于转速传感器技术,提出1种列控车载设备测速测距算法,由自适应参数列车运动模型、空转/滑行时列车速度校正模型和基于联邦滤波的融合算法3部分组成。先建立列车运动模型,利用自适应参数更新列车运动模型和系统状态噪声,估计单个转速传感器所在轮对的速度和加速度;当检测到轮对空转/滑行时,利用设计的速度校正模型计算列车运行速度,并视之为1个虚拟传感器,有效克服空转/滑行引起的速度测量精度下降问题;设计动态调整信息分配系数方案,根据2个转速传感器所在轮对滤波估计速度和空转/滑行检测情况得到相应系数值,再通过基于联邦滤波的融合算法对2种模型计算结果进行融合,得到列车运行速度和走行距离。最后,利用不同场景下的接口型式实验采集数据,进行仿真分析并验证算法效果。结果表明:无论是列车正常运行场景还是制动时轮对滑行场景,该算法均可在仅使用2个转速传感器作为系统输入的情况下得到满足安全需求的准确结果,同时兼顾成本和精度。  相似文献   
为获取更加接近实际城市公交线网的票价策略,将出行者的社会互动行为与后悔心理引入广义费用,提出线路客流OD矩阵均衡算法;分别以交通管理部门利润最大化及出行者效用最大化为目标,以公交计程票价、发车频率、私家车停车费为变量,建立固定需求下公交线网差异化计程票价多目标优化模型.引入集群智能多目标优化算法求解,并应用于Mandl 标准公交线网.研究发现:以线路里程为标准,差异化计程票制可以有效降低出行成本;依据帕累托最优解调节票价,可以促进出行者选择行为向优势均衡转移.  相似文献   
文中通过对里程信号产生机理进行分析,提出了一种基于FPGA架构的里程优选算法,给出了实现算法的硬件架构图,并设计相应硬件电路和模拟实验。结果表明:该算法可以对3个里程轮脉冲信号进行优选采集,当里程轮处于超速或者停转状态时也能输出正确的脉冲信号。  相似文献   
Pipelines are important to offshore oil and gas development, but suffers from the pipeline walking phenomenon due to cyclic temperature variations—where large axial walking distances threaten the safety of pipeline systems. Current research indicates that pipeline walking is triggered by steel catenary riser (SCR) tension, seabed slopes, or thermal transients. This paper proposes a new driving mechanism for the pipeline walking phenomenon, involving cyclic hardening soil strength. The finite element analysis method was adopted to analyse the soil friction difference induced walking phenomenon, and the influence of key parameters on the gain in soil friction on walking distance was studied. Pipeline walking distances under different drainage conditions in the heating and cooling processes were also calculated, and the impact of the degree of drainage in the heating process was determined. To better understand the new pipeline walking mechanism, theoretical analysis of the walking behaviour under different cyclic soil friction conditions was carried out. Analytical solutions for estimating the pipeline walking distance were also provided, based on the simplified theoretical analysis.  相似文献   
随着高速列车运行速度的提高,采用包括风阻制动技术在内的组合制动方式以保证高速列车紧急制动时达到规定的制动距离成为热点研究方向。文章针对目前研发中的新型分布式风阻制动装置,采用计算流体力学(CFD)方法对安装风阻制动装置的列车进行了制动力计算,并将相关结果作为输入参数,评估不同布置工况下风阻制动装置对高速列车制动距离的影响。依据评估结果,确定了风阻制动装置的适用速度范围、使用特点及效果。  相似文献   
移动闭塞条件下“闭塞分区”呈现出“移动”和“长度变化”的特征,其区间通过能力的计算较固定闭塞系统更加复杂。本文建立了移动闭塞系统区间通过能力的数学模型,对区间通过能力与列车追踪运行速度、跟驰车距和列车性能等参数之间的相互关系进行了定性、定量分析,并就关鍵参数的计算方法进行了深入的讨论,对移动闭塞条件下的列车运行控制与行车组织有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
减少登机时间有利于提高旅客体验和航空公司运行效率,故优化基于旅客行为的登机策略尤为重要. 基于旅客登机过程中两个阶段的延时,建立考虑时间阈值的新登机模型;在干扰时间阈值分布的基础上,通过优化算法分配行李,从而使登机时间最小,进一步得到基于不同行李构成的动态旅客登机策略. 通过元胞自动机仿真和现场模拟实验比较动态登机策略的效率. 结果显示:新登机模型能准确反映登机过程,Steffen 次序具有最大的干扰时间阈值和优化空间;本文提出的动态登机策略可以缩短登机时间,使登机效率显著提高.  相似文献   
琼州海峡跨海通道是国家铁路网和高速公路网的重要组成部分,随着两岸经济社会快速发展,迫切需要建设一条固定式、全天候运营的跨海通道。通过收集海峡自然地理条件、工程水文地质条件、历次研究成果等资料,对公路、铁路隧道方案进行研究,建议公路与铁路隧道应独立设置,采用盾构法施工。琼州海峡建设条件复杂,隧道方案需要解决超大直径盾构、超高水压、超长距离掘进三大关键技术。近年来我国水下盾构隧道技术快速发展,三大关键技术已部分解决,但超高水压下盾构密封、刀具维护、水下对接、联络通道施工等工程挑战超过现有技术储备,后续需加强研究。  相似文献   
由于空间分辨率低,两声呐纯方位目标关联存在关联模糊性,从而产生虚假目标(幻影)。当两声呐配置距离较近时,利用两声呐同目标的方位相似性,提出方位门快速关联,消除关联的模糊性,分析配置距离和目标方位对关联门的影响,提供目标早期接触跟踪关联方法。随着跟踪的进行,在具有初步的距离范围信息的情况下,提出距离范围方位门关联方法,提供目标接近态势下的目标关联。计算机仿真说明这2种方法的有效性。  相似文献   
The focus of this paper is on the productive efficiency of ports. We estimate a directional technology distance function using parametric techniques to analyze the production technology and technical efficiency of a set of Spanish Port Authorities observed over the period 1993–2012. Technical inefficiency is conceived as the ability of ports to simultaneously expand a given output and contract variable inputs while maintaining quasi-fixed inputs and other outputs constant. Thus, for containerized cargo we address the following question: Given the amount of quasi-fixed inputs used by the firm and given the volume of the other outputs (liquids, solids, non-containerized cargo and passenger traffic), could ports increase their containerized merchandise while simultaneously reducing their variable inputs? Similar questions are asked for solid bulk and non-containerized general cargo. Our results show evidence of technical inefficiency among the ports in our sample. In particular, if the ports operated efficiently, we find that containerized cargo could be expanded by an average of over 6.4%, with an equivalent reduction in variable inputs. Solid bulk cargo and general non-containerized cargo could be increased by 4.1% and 6.1% respectively, with corresponding reductions in variable inputs. An implication of our results is that there is ample scope for specialization on the part of ports with no increase in infrastructure costs. Given that large investments in infrastructure have been made in Spanish port over the last decade, this opens the possibility of moving towards a management model based on taking advantage of existing capacity rather than new investments.  相似文献   
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