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在当前基于交叉路口的城市车辆自组织网络(VANETs)路由协议中,道路上数据包传输大多采用基于地理位置的贪婪转发策略,当数据量较大时,个别节点负载较重,极易引起传输延迟增大乃至丢包的情况.本文提出了一种基于遗传算法的源路由机制,通过记录单体车辆的驾驶信息而非传统方法中的车流均值数据,来预测道路上车辆网络的连通情况,并借助遗传算法,首次基于道路连通性、节点负载和连接跳数这3 点综合考虑,计算得出道路上最佳的源路由节点序列.仿真实验结果表明,在传输率与延迟时间上,性能均优于传统的贪婪路由机制,尤其在车流量为250 veh· lane-1· h-1时,传输率提升约13%.该研究可为智能交通信息通讯提供可靠助力.  相似文献   
为实现无人艇在海上追踪、搜救、巡逻、反潜等任务中的超长续航,避免因油料限制而被迫任务中断,设计了一套以风能、太阳能为动力的无人艇系统,利用风帆为无人艇推进,太阳能为船上电控设备提供电能。该系统由无人艇和岸基监控平台组成,无人艇可通过python开发的数据采集模块和算法模块实时采集环境数据、计算、生成并下达控制指令,在风区内可超长续航自主航行,实现全风向利用;岸基监控平台可实时监控无人艇状态,并进行自主/遥控模式切换。对系统进行了测试,通讯连接试验的可靠性高;无人艇航行试验验证了全风向自主航行的可行性,运行轨迹与仿真结果基本重合;太阳能供电分析理论上验证了风区超长续航的可实现性。  相似文献   
基于Bayes判别方法,选取水化学常量组分作为判别指标,利用叙岭关隧道地区9个动态监测点的53个水样样本建立了该地区的水源判别模型.模型检验结果表明,其回判准确率为96.23%,具有较高的识别精度和工程推广能力.利用建立的判别模型,对叙岭关隧道1号溶洞内两个出水点RQ1和RQ2的水源进行了识别,并结合其流量动态变化特征、同位素分析结果,以及1号溶洞发育位置,推断1号溶洞内两个出水点的水源为P1m+q含水层中的岩溶地下水.根据判别结果,建议1号溶洞采取“以排为主”的原则加以处治,并尽量保留溶洞水的过水通道.  相似文献   
通过研究α稳定分布,提出海洋噪声、舰船辐射噪声等符合低阶α稳定分布,在进行对称α稳定分布且独立的随机源信号进行盲分离处理时,若仍然采用高斯分布将不收敛。本文设计了分数低阶矩阵盲源分离算法,最后通过实验对比本文所设计算法和时延分离算法。实验结果表明:本文所设计的算法对于α稳定分布且有独立的随机信号,具有较好的收敛性,能够有效实现盲源信号分离。通过从复杂的海洋噪声中仍能较好地提取出船舱辐射噪声的实验,说明即使信噪比发生变化,源信号分离后相似系数较分离前仍然有稳定地提高。  相似文献   
按实际加工工艺,基于有限元软件SYSWELD,采用有限元热弹塑性分析方法和Fortran语言对焊接热源进行二次开发,获得了所需要的热源,并通过实验验证了热源模型的准确性.在此基础之上,通过分析高速列车CRH380B侧墙焊接残余应力分布规律和焊接顺序对于侧墙焊接残余应力的影响,得到了侧墙焊接最优方案,为企业实际生产中的降低焊接残余应力方案选择提供了依据.  相似文献   
喷水推进是与中高速船舶相匹配的一种具有时代特征的先进推进方式,显著提高了船舶的快速性与操纵性,广泛应用于国内外高性能船舶。开展基于动量通量的试验技术研究,可有效提高喷水推进船舶航速预报精度,促进喷水推进技术快速发展与应用。本文在梳理喷水推进船模自航试验研究成果的基础上,分析了当今国际上喷水推进自航试验主流方法"动量通量法"的原理与关键技术以及应用状况,对航速预报精度有显著影响的流量、进出口动量通量的测量方法以及喷水推进装置对船体的作用等参数的测量方法进行了归纳,在此基础上针对国内外的差距,提出了我国发展相关技术的建议。  相似文献   
An extensive body of literature addresses the income elasticity of road traffic, in which income is typically treated as a homogenous quantity. Here we report evidence of heterogeneity in cross-sectional estimates of the elasticity of vehicle-kilometres of travel (VKT) with respect to income, when household income is disaggregated on the basis of income source.The results are generally intuitive, and show that the cross-sectional income elasticity of road traffic is not homogeneous as is typically specified in transport planning models. We show that in a number of circumstances the cross-sectional elasticity with respect to aggregate household income is of the opposite sign in comparison to more refined estimates of elasticity disaggregated by income source. If further research confirms that the elasticities we report here are causal in nature, neglecting the elemental effects could result in misleading results affecting practical infrastructure-investment and policy decisions, particularly as the mix of income sources shifts (e.g. if, as society ages, pension income increases as a share of all income).These results are of interest to both researchers and forecasters of travel demand, as well as designers of future travel survey instruments; the latter group must decide how to generate data about respondents’ income. Current expert guidance is to collect a single estimate of aggregate income at the household level. Future travel survey design choices will bound the analyses that can be supported by the resulting survey data, and therefore methodological research to re-visit the trade-offs associated with such choices is warranted.  相似文献   
A novel joint source channel distortion model was proposed, which can essentially estimate the average distortion in progressive image transmission. To improve the precision of the model, the redundancy generated by a forbidden symbol in the arithmetic codes is used to distinguish the quantization distortion and the channel distortion, all the coefficients from the first error one to the end of the sequence are set to be a value within the variance range of the coefficients instead of zero, then the error propagation coming from the entropy coding can be essentially estimated, which is disregarded in the most conventional joint source channel coding (JSCC) systems. The precision of the model in terms of average peak-signal-to-noise has been improved about 0.5 dB compared to classical works. An efficient unequal error protection system based on the model is developed, and can be used in the wireless communication systems.  相似文献   
建设节约型校园是学校发展的必然要求,近年来,学校办学规模不断扩大,办学条件持续改善,各种资源需求增长很快,今后,这种需求将不断增长,同时学校距离节约型校园的要求仍有差距,各种浪费现象仍然存在,节约意识,效益观念还需要进一步增强,只有开源节流,精打细算,才能保障学校健康快速发展。本文主要针对我院水电的节能做了一些有益的探讨。  相似文献   
车内大功率用电设备的电压波动是车内产生传导干扰的主要原因。文中介绍了通过对采集的干扰信号进行小波包分解,对系数进行最小风险的去噪处理,然后提取特征能量来识别车内传导干扰源。最后采用EM-test设备发生干扰信号进行实验,结果表明该方法对车内电压波动的主要干扰源有较强的识别能力。  相似文献   
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