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An isotropic hardening elastoplastic model for soil is presented, which takes into consideration the influence of structure and overconsolidation on strength and deformation of clays. Based on the superloading concept and subloading concept, the inner structural variable ω and overconsolidation variable ρ are introduced to describe the structure and overconsolidation of soil. The present model requires three additional parameters which can be obtained by conventional triaxial test, and the other parameters are same as those of modified Cam-clay(MCC) model. The performance of the proposed model is verified by undrained and drained triaxial tests.  相似文献   
Load conditions for steel pipe-jacking are complex during the construction stage. The stability of steel jacking pipe has been an increasingly important problem as jacking forces, pipe diameters and jacking distances increase. However, there are no standards for pipe reinforcement, for prevention of buckling, or for remedying pipe that buckles when being jacked axially. Past experience suggests that stiffeners can effectively reinforce the structure. This study analyzes the effect of different stiffeners on the stability of steel jacking pipe under axial compression using finite element analysis. The results suggest that the stability of steel jacking pipe can be significantly improved by using orthogonal stiffeners, in terms of engineering costs and construction space inside the pipe. Based on current engineering practice, the application of orthogonal stiffeners is discussed. This study provides a useful reference for the design and construction of steel jacking pipe.  相似文献   
通过数值分析研究了不同类型的加劲肋在钢顶管轴压稳定性中的作用,综合考虑实际工程中的工程造价和管内施工空间,得出了正交加劲肋可以有效提高钢顶管轴压稳定性的结论。所得结论可为钢顶管的设计和施工提供有益参考。  相似文献   
因顶进阻力大、穿越地层复杂等因素,大管径长距离顶管施工控制难度大。依托海绵城市建设综合达标工程项目,针对沿湖地质超深覆土超大口径超长曲线顶管施工,研发了高效携砂剂润滑减阻泥浆自动压注和排泥管一管两用纠偏技术。前者通过泥浆内掺携砂剂,有效降低了长距离顶进阻力;后者可根据需要灵活调节压力,精度可控,兼具抽排水功能的同时实现了管外主动加卸载,有效防止顶管机头载头或上浮。  相似文献   
承插式钢顶管可以实现大曲率顶进,但管节间的相对转动对接头和管身的影响机制却未得到系统研究。为研究大直径承插式钢顶管在顶进轴线调整过程中的受力变形特性,本文通过现场测试,详细记录了海底大直径钢顶管在顶进过程中承插式接头的测缝、径向变形和纵环向应力。结果表明,承插式接头可以适应大直径钢顶管的轴线偏转要求,管节间最大相对偏转角较规范允许的焊接式钢顶管最大偏转角增大了近19倍。在曲线顶进时,承插式钢顶管自身径向变形的调整可有效降低接头处的应力水平,且管节间由偏转产生的附加应力有限。  相似文献   
浅埋矩形顶管掘进机和管节与土体间存在摩擦,当掘进机无减阻或防背土装置时,机土间较大的摩擦力将诱发整体背土效应.文章介绍了考虑机(管)土摩擦差异的整体背土效应判别方法,依托上海陆翔路—祁连山路矩形顶管工程试验段,基于实测数据进行了整体背土效应监测分析,并介绍了处理措施.研究结果表明,该方法成功预判了试验段发生的整体背土破...  相似文献   
基于依托工程,优化并形成了同心打设钢套管高压液化土体管桩拔除技术,采用预埋式高压水管及气管液化法解决了钢套筒与土体摩擦阻力过大导致钢套筒打设困难的问题,通过钻机破碎法解决了打设到一定深度遇到障碍物而导致钢套管打设不下的问题,确保了管桩拔除的顺利施工,可为工程项目提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   
甄亮  张显裕  李晓军 《现代隧道技术》2022,(2):167-171and181
浅埋矩形顶管掘进机和管节与土体间存在摩擦,当掘进机无减阻或防背土装置时,机土间较大的摩擦力将诱发整体背土效应。文章介绍了考虑机(管)土摩擦差异的整体背土效应判别方法,依托上海陆翔路—祁连山路矩形顶管工程试验段,基于实测数据进行了整体背土效应监测分析,并介绍了处理措施。研究结果表明,该方法成功预判了试验段发生的整体背土破坏,计算的临界机(管)土摩擦系数为0.35,破坏时最大顶程预测值为31.05 m(实际为34 m),顶管发生整体背土效应的横向范围约等于覆土深度与断面等效半径之和;隆起的影响区间约3.0L(L为机头长度),地表变形在工作面通过3.0L时由隆起变为沉降。  相似文献   
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