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文章分析了青岛地铁2号线蓄电池工程维护车出现车钩"低头"现象的原因,并给出了一种通过加装车钩挂梁结构以支撑车钩的解决方案。文章还对挂梁结构进行了强度校核,确保该结构满足实际工况需求。  相似文献   
探讨账、卡、物在物资流通中的本质含义,阐述了作为物资仓储技术管理基础规范的账、卡、物相符制度存在的必要性,论述了在实际工作中严格遵守账、卡、物相符的原则的重要性。  相似文献   
基础的牢固对于建筑的稳定性起着至关重要的作用,在工程实践中经常遇到一些软弱地基需要进行处理,方可满足地基承载力要求。介绍了换填法、重锤夯实法、排水固结法、堆载预压法、深层挤密法等几种常用的软弱地基处理方法的技术特点,可根据地质及工程情况加以选用。  相似文献   
冲击压实技术在高速公路土石方路基中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了土石料压实特性,分析冲击压实机理以及施工工艺,并结合工程实例进行冲击压实实验,实验结果表明,冲击压实具有明显的效益优势。  相似文献   
The purpose of this study is to develop a standard methodology for measuring the surface free energy (SFE), and its component parts of bamboo fiber materials. The current methods was reviewed to determine the surface tension of natural fibers and the disadvantages of techniques used were discussed. Although numerous techniques have been employed to characterize surface tension of natural fibers, it seems that the credibility of results obtained may often be dubious. In this paper, critical surface tension estimates were obtained from computer aided machine vision based measurement. Data were then analyzed by the least squares method to estimate the components of SFE. SFE was estimated by least squares analysis and also by Schultz?? method. By using the Fowkes method the polar and disperse fractions of the surface free energy of bamboo fiber materials can be obtained. Strictly speaking, this method is based on a combination of the knowledge of Fowkes theory. SFE is desirable when adhesion is required, and it avoids some of the limitations of existing studies which has been proposed. The calculation steps described in this research are only intended to explain the methods. The results show that the method that only determines SFE as a single parameter may be unable to differentiate adequately between bamboo fiber materials, but it is feasible and very efficient. In order to obtain the maximum performance from the computer aided machine vision based measurement instruments, this measurement should be recommended and kept available for reference.  相似文献   
陆军军 《中国水运》2009,(5):197-198
本文通过对负摩阻力产生原因的分析,提出负摩阻力的工程实用计算公式及在考虑负摩阻力的情况下单桩轴向受压容许承载力的计算公式。  相似文献   
从美学及艺术理论角度阐述了城市桥梁造型景观设计的特点、原则和方法。通过对桥梁设计实际案例的剖析,讨论了城市桥梁造型景观设计的方法。  相似文献   
通过平面二维潮流数学模型和规范公式计算,对象山港大桥建设后桥区水流变化和海床演变及大桥辅助通航孔通航净空尺度进行了分析论证,结果表明:在象山港大桥主通航孔南北两侧各设2个辅助通航孔,通航1 000 t级及以下船舶,3个设计方案的通航净空尺度和水流条件均满足通航要求,通航航线可沿袭工程前的习惯航法。  相似文献   
在国家《标准化法》、《质量法》、《道路交通安全法》、《工业产品生产许可证管理条例》和《助力车产品许可证换(发)证实施细则》等法律、法规中,都十分明确地规定了产品的生产和销售必须符合国家现有的标准。因此,自行车生产企业必须在法律、法规  相似文献   
在参照国外铁路牵引供电系统标准化、系列化的基础上,对我国目前铁路牵引供电系统标准化、系列化的现状和标准不统一造成的影响进行了分析,并对加快我国牵引供电系统标准化、系列化的必要性和可行性作了阐述,提出一些可行的建议.  相似文献   
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