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引用本文:周世良,王全,吴飞桥,李丰华. 内河大水位差条件下的码头岸坡稳定性分析[J]. 水运工程, 2010, 0(3)
作者姓名:周世良  王全  吴飞桥  李丰华
摘    要:我国西南地区地势复杂,内河水位变化幅度很大,水位的变化使得内河码头的边坡含水量产生变化,由此引起的边坡水流渗透对码头的稳定性会造成很大的影响.采用理想弹塑性模型和摩尔库伦屈服准则进行数值模拟,通过对架空斜坡式码头岸坡在水位变化条件下的稳定性分析,得出了水位下降过程中各种因素对岸坡的影响;同时发现,岸坡岩土材料的黏聚力对岸坡的稳定性影响要大于内摩擦角.

关 键 词:岸坡  三峡库区  强度折减  渗流

Stability analysis of wharf slope under large water level difference in inland river
ZHOU Shi-liang,WANG Quan,WU Fei-qiao,LI Feng-hua. Stability analysis of wharf slope under large water level difference in inland river[J]. Port & Waterway Engineering, 2010, 0(3)
Authors:ZHOU Shi-liang  WANG Quan  WU Fei-qiao  LI Feng-hua
Affiliation:ZHOU Shi-liang,WANG Quan,WU Fei-qiao,LI Feng-hua(College of River , Ocean Engineering,Chongqing Jiaotong University,Chongqing 400074,China)
Abstract:Because of the complex topography in southwest region of China,the water level of the inland river has a large amplitude of variation which causes a frequent diversification of the water content in the river slope.The flow caused by the infiltration of the terminal slope stability will induce a great impact on the slope stability of wharf.This paper uses an ideal elastic-plastic model and the Moore Coulomb yield criterion for numerical simulation.Through the bank slope stability of the overhead-type termina...
Keywords:slope  Three-Gorges reservoir area  strength reduction  seepage  
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