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引用本文:李梦潇,徐石,马国忠. 铁路集装箱中心站班列编组方案数学模型[J]. 大连交通大学学报, 2012, 33(3): 13-17. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-9590.2012.03.004
作者姓名:李梦潇  徐石  马国忠
摘    要:针对已开通运营的铁路集装箱中心站相继开行诸多集装箱班列的实际,构建了集装箱班列编组方案选优的数学模型.该模型是在借鉴已有列车编组计划优化模型的基础上,根据其运输组织的特点,建立了在路网情形下,考虑了包括车站班列中转改编能力储备约束和区段牵引定数限制因素在内的单组班列编组方案选优的数学模型.该模型将一支集装箱箱流可能需要二次及其以上中转改编问题转变为多次一站中转改编问题来描述.因而,该模型复杂度大为降低,且为线性0-1规划模型,决策变量规模为2n3 - 5n2+3n.因而,该模型可以应用现有较为成熟的线性规划算法进行求解.另外,该文还运用模型实例来说明该模型对实际问题的有效描述.

关 键 词:编组站  铁路集装箱中心站  班列运输  编组方案  数学模型

Study on Mathematical Models of Formation Plan of Block Trains of Railway Container Central Stations
LI Meng-xiao , XU Shi , MA Guo-zhong. Study on Mathematical Models of Formation Plan of Block Trains of Railway Container Central Stations[J]. Journal of Dalian Jiaotong University, 2012, 33(3): 13-17. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-9590.2012.03.004
Authors:LI Meng-xiao    XU Shi    MA Guo-zhong
Affiliation:(College of Transportation and Logistics,Southwest Jiaotong University,Chengdu 610031,China)
Abstract:The optimization models of formation plan of container block trains are established according to operate numbers of container block trains on container central stations.According to the characteristics of container block trains transportation organization,the single group block trains formation plan optimal selection mathematics model is established considering reserved constraint of block trains transited marshalling capacity in stations and marshalling trains weight limitation factors in section based on the existing train formation plan optimization model.The container flow may be marshalling twice or more,and it converts that problem into many numbers of one marshalling problem.Thus,the complexity of this model is reduced,it is a linear 0-1 programming model,and the variable scale is 2n3-5n2+3n.The model can be solved by applying existing mature linear programming algorithm.In addition,practical example is used to illustrate the effective description of this model.
Keywords:marshalling stations  railway container central stations  block trains transportation  formation plan  mathematical models
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