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引用本文:唐万民,刘小渝,王晓明. 钢构件对接焊焊缝横向残余应力分布研究[J]. 重庆交通大学学报(自然科学版), 2004, 23(6): 40-42
作者姓名:唐万民  刘小渝  王晓明
作者单位:1. 重庆交通学院,土木建筑学院,重庆,400074
2. 重庆市建设工程质量监督站,重庆,400010
摘    要:采用ANSYS通用有限元分析软件对钢板对接焊进行模拟分析,通过对不同厚度钢板的对接焊缝横向残余应力分布的研究,得出了横向焊接残余应力分布与板厚关系的一些简便的数学公式,以便设计人员在进行焊缝设计时进行残余应力的估算.

关 键 词:对接焊  横向残余应力  分布  有限元

Study of the distribution of the horizontal residual stress in the butt welded jiont
Abstract:The paper analyzed the butt welded joint of steel plate through ANSYS. With the analysis of the distribution of the horizontal residual stress in the butt welded joint of different thickness steel member, some simple formulas about the horizontal residual stress in the butt welded joint and the thickness of the steel plate have been found. By these formulas , the designers can estimate the residual stress , when they design the welded jiont.
Keywords:butt welded jiont    horizontal welding residual stress    distribution    finite element
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