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Ductility Analysis of Partially Prestressed Concrete Beams
引用本文:蒲黔辉,高芒芒. Ductility Analysis of Partially Prestressed Concrete Beams[J]. 西南交通大学学报(英文版), 2002, 10(1): 68-73
作者姓名:蒲黔辉  高芒芒
作者单位:[1]SchoolofCivilEngineering,SouthwestJiaotongUniversity,Chengdu610031,China [2]ChinaAcademyofRailwayScience,Beijing100081,China
摘    要:According to the experimental results of model beams,the curvature of a partiaklly prestressed concrete beam is defined,then the influence of PPR(Partial prestressing ratio),net reinforcement index,concrete strength and fatigue on ductility of partially prestressed concrete beam are discussed respectively.

关 键 词:部分预应力混凝土束 韧性 混凝土结构 部分预应力 网状加固指标

Ductility Analysis of Partially Prestressed Concrete Beams
Abstract:According to the experimental results of model beams, the curvature of a partially prestressed concrete beam is defined, then the influence of PPR(partial prestressing ratio), net reinforcement index, concrete strength and fatigue on ductility of partially prestressed concrete beam are discussed respectively.
Keywords:partially prestressed concrete  partial prestressing ratio  net reinforcerment index  ductility
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