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引用本文:王平,陈嵘,陈小平. 高速铁路道岔设计关键技术[J]. 西南交通大学学报, 2010, 45(1). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.2010.01.005
作者姓名:王平  陈嵘  陈小平
摘    要:基于道岔轮轨多点接触关系,建立了高速道岔动力分析理论,并设计出适合我国高速道岔的相离式半切尖轨平面线型、心轨水平藏尖结构、尖轨短过渡顶面轮廓和弹性均匀的岔区轨道刚度.为解决无缝道岔转换卡阻问题,在考虑长大轨件纵横向协调变形的基础上,研发了适应大伸缩量的转换锁闭机构、既可有效传递纵向力又可保持道岔平顺性的尖轨及心轨跟端结构和适用于有砟和无砟轨道基础的扣件系统.为控制长大轨件转换不足位移,确保道岔的高平顺性和锁闭可靠性,运用有限单元法进行长大轨件及双肢弹性可弯心轨结构的转换设计,研制出新型辊轮滑床台,并优化了转换牵引点布置及其动程设计.

关 键 词:高速铁路  道岔  耦合动力分析  平面线型  动测试验

Key Technologies in High-Speed Railway Turnout Design
WANG Ping,CHEN Rong,CHEN Xiaoping. Key Technologies in High-Speed Railway Turnout Design[J]. Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 2010, 45(1). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.2010.01.005
Authors:WANG Ping  CHEN Rong  CHEN Xiaoping
Affiliation:WANG Ping,CHEN Rong,CHEN Xiaoping(School of Civil Engineering,Southwest Jiaotong University,Chengdu 610031,China)
Abstract:Based on the wheel/rail multi-point contact in turnout zone,a dynamic design theory for high-speed railway turnout was established and several creative designs were made,such as separated semi-tangent switch plane linetype,horizontal hidden nose structure of turnout frog,short transitional top surface figure of the switch rail,and track stiffness of turnout with even elasticity.With the harmony between vertical and lateral deformation of long rail components taken into account,a transition locking structure...
Keywords:high-speed railway  turnout  coupling dynamics  plane linetype  dynamic test
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