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引用本文:薛侠峰,严天宏,何波. MAU型螺旋桨建模与水动力性能分析[J]. 船舶工程, 2016, 38(1): 41-45
作者姓名:薛侠峰  严天宏  何波
摘    要:为满足螺旋桨设计效率和现代制造的精度要求, 提出一种快速生成MAU 型螺旋桨三维模型的方法。采用MATLAB@编程语言, 依据螺旋桨二维制图的投影关系和螺旋桨设计参数,计算出螺旋桨桨叶叶面特征点的空间笛卡尔坐标值,将笛卡尔坐标值导入SOLIDWORKS@中进行螺旋桨三维建模以及桨叶曲面的实体优化。在CFD流体仿真软件CFX中建立基于RANS方程的标准k-湍流模型,采用多重参考系MRF技术模拟在不同进速系数时的螺旋桨水动力性能如推力系数、转矩系数和敞水效率。同时, 数值模拟也显示出了螺旋桨桨叶上及整个流域内的速度、压力和流线分布情况。

关 键 词:螺旋桨  三维建模  MATLAB  CFX  水动力性能

Modeling And Hydrodynamic Performance Analysis Of MAU Propeller
XUE Xia-feng and YAN Tian-hong. Modeling And Hydrodynamic Performance Analysis Of MAU Propeller[J]. Ship Engineering, 2016, 38(1): 41-45
Authors:XUE Xia-feng and YAN Tian-hong
Affiliation:School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,China Jiliang University,School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,China Jiliang University
Abstract:In order to satisfy the propeller design efficiency and the precision requirement of modern manufacturing, a method of quickly 3D modeling of MAU propeller is put forward. Using MATLAB@ language programming, based on the projection relationship of propeller two-dimensional drawing and propeller design parameters, the feature points of Cartesian coordinate space of propeller blade are calculated to put into SOLIDWORKS@ to modeling and substantiated optimization of the propeller blades. Provided in CFD fluid simulation software CFX to establish standard k- turbulence model based on RANS equations of turbulence model, use multiple reference frame (MRF) technology and sliding grid technology to calculate the thrust coefficient and torque coefficient and open water efficiency of MAU propeller in different speed. Meanwhile, the numerical simulation also shows the distribution of velocity, pressure and flow of the propeller blade in the whole basin.
Keywords:propeller   3D modeling   MATLAB   CFX   hydrodynamic performance
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