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引用本文:龙思慧,孟令云,王义惠,栾晓洁,张鹏. 高速列车运行调整与运行控制一体化双目标优化模型与算法[J]. 交通运输系统工程与信息, 2021, 20(6): 163-169
作者姓名:龙思慧  孟令云  王义惠  栾晓洁  张鹏
作者单位:1. 北京交通大学 a. 交通运输学院,b. 轨道交通控制与安全国家重点实验室,北京 100044; 2. 苏黎世联邦理工学院 运输规划与系统研究系,苏黎世 8093,瑞士;3. 卡斯柯信号有限公司国铁运输指挥系统开发部,上海 200071
基金项目:中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金/Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (2019YJS083);国家自然科学基金/National Natural Science Foundation of China(72022003);国家重点研发计划项目/National Key Research and Development Program of China(2018YFB1201500).
摘    要:列车实时运行调整与运行控制是实现高速列车准点节能运行的两个重要方面.本文构建高速列车运行调整与运行控制一体化优化模型,以降低列车总延误时间与运行能耗为目标,同时优化列车速度距离与时间距离曲线.与以往研究将列车运行调整与运行控制独立优化不同,本文基于列车牵引计算,通过锁闭时间理论将列车运行调整与控制的解空间进行耦合,根据列车运行速度、制动性能、信号系统的清空与开放时间、轨道区段/闭塞分区的长度等因素,精细化计算列车占用不同轨道区段/闭塞分区的时间,动态确定列车区间运行时分与追踪间隔.为求解复杂的非线性模型,设计分段近似法将非线性约束进行重构,从而将非线性优化模型转变为混合整数规划模型.通过算例计算,给出双目标问题的帕累托解集,与单目标优化方法对比,本文方法可以减少总能耗2.46%,降低运行总延误7.33%.

关 键 词:铁路运输  一体优化  双目标优化  运行调整  运行控制  

A Bi-objective Integrated Optimization Model of High-speed Train Rescheduling and Train Control
LONG Si-hui,MENG Ling-yun,WANG Yi-hui,LUAN Xiao-jie,ZHANG Peng. A Bi-objective Integrated Optimization Model of High-speed Train Rescheduling and Train Control[J]. Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology, 2021, 20(6): 163-169
Authors:LONG Si-hui  MENG Ling-yun  WANG Yi-hui  LUAN Xiao-jie  ZHANG Peng
Affiliation:1.a. School of Traffic and Transportation, 1b. State Key Laboratory of Rail Traffic Control and Safety, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China; 2. Institute for Transport Planning and Systems (IVT), ETH Zurich, Zurich 8093, Switzerland; 3. Dispatching System Development Department for Railway, CASCO Signal Ltd., Shanghai 200071, China
Abstract:Real- time train rescheduling and train control are of crucial importance for punctual and energyefficient high-speed train operations. This paper proposes an integrated optimization model for the high-speed train rescheduling and train control. The objectives of the model are to minimize the total train delay time and total energy consumption. The model optimizes the train trajectories and rescheduled timetable at once. Based on the detailed train traction calculation, the model integrated the solution space of train rescheduling and train control by blocking time theory, whereas the two problems in the previous research are optimized separately. The model could obtain the detailed running time of a train on each block section and the headway time between two adjacent trains according to the train speed, braking performance, clearing time and release time of the signaling system, and the length of the block section. A piecewise approximation method is designed to reformulate the non-linear constraints, which transforms the complicated non-linear model to a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) model. In numerical experiments, a set of Pareto solutions is obtained for the bi-objective optimization problem. According to the experimental results, compared with the single- objective optimization model, the proposed biobjective integrated optimization method could reduce the energy consumption and train delay time by up to 2.46% and 7.33%, respectively.
Keywords:railway transportation  integrated optimization  bi- objective optimization  train rescheduling  train control  
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