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引用本文:毛功平,王忠,许广举,李铭迪. 生物柴油燃烧过程中氧、氮元素的迁移历程分析[J]. 车用发动机, 2011, 0(4): 37-42
作者姓名:毛功平  王忠  许广举  李铭迪
摘    要:
在丁酸甲酯化学反应机理的基础上,添加了详细的NOx生成机理,得到包含214种物质和1 241个基元反应方程式的生物柴油机理.运用均质零维反应器模型,计算了燃烧过程中各基元反应的ROP(Rate of production,ROP)系数,确定了影响各中间产物生成的主要基元反应方程式.通过ROP分析,阐明了生物柴油燃烧过程...

关 键 词:生物柴油  基元反应  数值模拟  生成历程  氮氧化物

Analysis of Oxygen and Nitrogen Migration Process during Biodiesel Combustion
MAO Gong-ping,WANG Zhong,XU Guang-ju,LI Ming-di. Analysis of Oxygen and Nitrogen Migration Process during Biodiesel Combustion[J]. Vehicle Engine, 2011, 0(4): 37-42
Authors:MAO Gong-ping  WANG Zhong  XU Guang-ju  LI Ming-di
Based on the mechanism of methyl butyrate chemical reaction,the biodiesel mechanism including 214 species and 1 241 element reactions was acquired by adding the detailed mechanism of NOx formation.By using the homogeneous zero-dimensional reactor model,the ROPs of all element reaction were calculated and the main equations of element reaction,which influenced the formation of intermediate product,were determined.,The migration process of oxygen and nitrogen,which was included in fuel or air,was clarified and the former substances of main intermediate product were analyzed through the ROP analysis.The results show that the CH3OCHO group promotes the formation of OH.CH3OCO is the intermediate product of CH3OCHO reaction,which promotes the formation of CH3.Then HCO is further formed during the reaction of CH3OCO,which promotes the formation of H and HO2.Finally,the important former substances,which are respectively OH,H,HO2 and CH3,that can promote the NOx formation are formed,which leads to the increase of NOx emisison.
Keywords:biodiesel  element reaction  numerical simulation  formation process  nitrogen oxide
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