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更多的努力 更近的距离——中国客车业在BUSWORLD Kortrijk的4年表现对比
引用本文:杨亮.更多的努力 更近的距离——中国客车业在BUSWORLD Kortrijk的4年表现对比[J].运输车辆,2011(21):44-46.
摘    要:2011年10月26日,2年一届的世界客车博览欧洲展览会(BUSWORLD Kortrijk)在比利时小镇Kortrijk落下帷幕。作为目前全球规模最大、历史最悠久的专业客车展,自1971年创办以来,已成为世界客车发展趋势的风向标。此次展会上,共有来自全球的71家客车制造商和285家零配件供应商参展,其中包括宇通、大金龙、金旅和比亚迪等来自中国的汽车整车制造企业。

关 键 词:客车业  中国  距离  年表  客车制造商  发展趋势  制造企业  展览会

Work Harder,Walk Closer——BAAV Was Opened at Kortrijk of Belgium
Abstract:Recently, BaaV of 41-year history exhibition event was opened at Kortrijk, a small but beautiful town of Belgium. Recognized as the largest and longest history bus and coach fair in the world, the exhibition attracted 356 participating companies and corporation, among which more than 70 are bus and coach makers.Five Chinese whole-vehicles makers presented their branding products to compete with their international counterparts.
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