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引用本文:黄振卫, 周其斗, 纪刚, 王路才, 刘文玺. 舱壁打孔的环肋圆柱壳振动性能分析[J]. 中国舰船研究, 2012, 7(1): 41-46. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-3185.2012.01.008
作者姓名:黄振卫  周其斗  纪刚  王路才  刘文玺
摘    要:为研究舱壁打孔对结构振动性能的影响,以环肋圆柱壳为研究对象,采用有限元法,计算结构在不考虑开孔加强结构的条件下,改变圆形孔的大小、位置、数量以及含圆形孔的舱壁数量时的均方法向速度级,得到不同工况下整个结构的均方法向速度级频率响应曲线。数值计算结果的比较和分析表明:激振频率在150~350Hz时,4种工况对模型均方法向速度级影响不大;350~1 000 Hz时,在部分激振频率下,4种工况对模型均方法向速度级的影响变大。可见舱壁开孔在满足工程需求的同时,也可有效减少艇体质量,但同时也会一定程度地改变结构振动特性,须在潜艇实际设计中予以考虑。

关 键 词:环肋圆柱壳  舱壁  圆形孔  有限元  均方法向速度

Vibration Analysis of Stiffened Cylinder with Perforated Bulkhead
Huang Zhenwei, Zhou Qidou, Ji Gang, Wang Lucai, Liu Wenxi. Vibration Analysis of Stiffened Cylinder with Perforated Bulkhead[J]. Chinese Journal of Ship Research, 2012, 7(1): 41-46. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-3185.2012.01.008
Authors:Huang Zhen-wei    Zhou Qi-dou    Ji Gang    Wang Lu-cai    Liu Wen-xi
Affiliation:1.College of Naval Architecture and Power,Naval Univiversity of Engineering,Wuhan 430033,China
Abstract:In order to investigate the effects of added holes on vibration of a structure,a stiffened cylinder was studied via finite element method.The mean-square velocity level of the structure was calculated with different radiuses,positions,amount of holes,and different bulkhead with holes,yet the stiffened structure near the hole was ignored.And the frequency response curve of mean-square velocity level was obtained under different conditions.The results show that in 150~350 Hz the effect on mean-square vibration velocity level is limited under four conditions,but within the band 350~1 000 Hz,the effect on mean-square velocity level becomes greater at some exciting frequencies.Holes can both satisfy the engineering requirements and decrease the mass of the submarine,but the changes of structural vibration performance should be further investigated.
Keywords:stiffened cylinder  bulkhead  hole  finite element  mean-square velocity
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