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摘    要:针对新建客运专线验收时相邻桥墩高差较大的桥上轨道结构不平顺超限现象,基于有限元分析方法结合实际桥梁工点情况,对简支梁、连续梁及连续刚构典型桥梁工点分别建立有限元分析模型,研究相邻墩高差温度效应对无砟轨道平顺性的影响;相邻墩高差温度效应对轨道10 m弦长不平顺影响很小,对轨道48a弦长不平顺有较大影响,与轨道结构既有不平顺叠加可能超限;轨道480a弦长不平顺的直接影响因素是最高桥墩的高度,与相邻墩高差没有必然关系。

关 键 词:客运专线  无砟轨道  相邻墩高差  温度效应  轨道不平顺

Study on Track Structure Irregularities Influenced by Differences of Adjacent Pier Heights
Affiliation:,The Third Engineering Co.,Ltd.of China Railway Seventh Group,China Railway First Survey and Design Institute Group Co.,Ltd.
Abstract:With a view to the overrun of track irregularity influenced by obvious differences between adjacent pier heights on newly built dedicated passenger lines,this paper studies on track structure irregularities influenced by the differences of adjacent pier height by means of FE models of different types of railway bridges based on the finite element method as well as the site situations of bridges. As far as temperature effect is concerned,the differences of adjacent pier heights have little effect on chord irregularity of 10 millimeter,but have large effect on chord irregularity of 48 a,and the track irregularity may overrun in the case of superposition with the existing track irregularities. The direct factor of chord irregularity of 480 a is the height of the highest pier,and there is no inevitable relation with the differences of adjacent pier heights.
Keywords:Dedicated passenger line  Ballastless track  Difference of adjacent pier height  Temperature effect  Track irregularity
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