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Method of estimating human error probabilities in construction for structural reliability analysis based on analytic hierarchy process and failure likelihood index method
Authors:Chong Zhou  Xin-jian Kou
Affiliation:(1) Dept. Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engin. 3128 CEBA Building Louisiana State Univ., 70803–6409 Baton Rouge, LA, USA;(2) Dept. Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engin. 3128 CEBA Building Louisiana State Univ., 70803–6409 Baton Rouge, LA, USA;
Abstract:Partial safety factors must be evaluated precisely for the given target reliability index to ensure the certain level of structural reliability due to uncertain factors. The current studies of partial safety factors do not consider human error in construction for structural reliability. A mathematically model should be improved to simulate the partial safety coefficient concerned uncertainty factors which concern the effect of human error in construction. We employ the contaminated distribution to obtain the realistic mean value and standard variance of variable of structural parameters which coexist with random error human error. The reasonable partial safety coefficient can be calculated based on the realistic value of structural parameters concerned the effects of random error and gross error.
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