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引用本文:李树忱,张峰,祝金鹏. 海水侵蚀环境下混凝土力学性能劣化试验[J]. 公路交通科技, 2009, 26(12)
作者姓名:李树忱  张峰  祝金鹏
作者单位:1. 山东大学,岩土与结构研究中心,山东,济南,250061
2. 山东省路桥集团工程设计咨询有限公司,山东,济南,250021
摘    要:以人工海水为侵蚀介质,采用加速腐蚀试验,对设计强度等级为C35的混凝土试件进行了0、10、20、30、40、50、60次干湿循环试验,检测了海水侵蚀作用对混凝土抗压强度、抗拉强度、弹性模量及应力-应变关系的影响.试验结果表明,混凝土随着干湿循环次数的增多,其表观质量和力学性能均呈现出不同程度的下降趋势.建立了混凝土随侵蚀循环次数变化的抗压强度折减模型、抗拉强度折减模型和弹性模量的折减模型,为进一步开展混凝土结构在侵蚀离子作用下的力学性能劣化机理与计算模型的研究提供了依据.

关 键 词:道路工程  力学性能劣化  加速腐蚀试验  混凝土  人工海水

Experiment of Mechanical Property Deterioration of Concrete in Environment of Seawater Corrosion
LI Shuchen,ZHANG Feng,ZHU Jinpeng. Experiment of Mechanical Property Deterioration of Concrete in Environment of Seawater Corrosion[J]. Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development, 2009, 26(12)
Authors:LI Shuchen  ZHANG Feng  ZHU Jinpeng
Abstract:Taken artificial seawater as aggressive medium, by accelerated corrosion test method, dry-wet test with 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 cycles were carried out on concrete specimens whose design strength grade is C35. The influence of seawater corrosion on compressive strength, tensile strength, elastic modulus and stress-strain relationship of concrete was tested. The experimental results show that the apparent quality and the mechanical property decline to different extents with the increase of dry-wet cycles. Finally, the compressive strength reduction model, the tensile strength reduction model and the elastic modulus reduction model with the change of corrosion cycles were established. The result can offer a reference for further research on deterioration mechanism of mechanical property and calculation model of reinforced concrete structures in multiple actions of seawater corrosion.
Keywords:road engineering  mechanical property deterioration  accelerated corrosion test  concrete  artificialseawater
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