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引用本文:谢立辉,王雨,王根,卢浩. 某岩质边坡治理及加固效应的离散元分析[J]. 路基工程, 2015, 0(2): 63-66. DOI: 10.13379/j.issn.1003-8825.2015.02.13
作者姓名:谢立辉  王雨  王根  卢浩
作者单位:1.长沙学院, 长沙 410015
摘    要:以某在建岩质边坡治理工程案例为研究对象,在定性评价边坡结构稳定性基础上,运用UDEC离散元软件建立该岩质边坡的仿真模型,通过减弱岩体节理参数和增大竖向加速度模拟边坡的失稳过程,以及对设计方案及时加固后岩质坡体的应力分布、塑性区和张开节理进行对比分析。结果表明:岩质边坡失稳一般经历节理面贯通,表层岩块脱落,沿节理面崩塌三个过程。按照设计方案及时加固后坡体的塑性区减小,张开节理由坡体前缘逐渐转向坡体后缘并减少,有效控制了坡体稳定。

关 键 词:岩质边坡   离散元   仿真计算   加固效应

Discrete Element Analysis of Rock Slope Treatment and the Reinforcement Effect
XIE Lihui,WANG Yu,WANG Gen,LU Hao. Discrete Element Analysis of Rock Slope Treatment and the Reinforcement Effect[J]. , 2015, 0(2): 63-66. DOI: 10.13379/j.issn.1003-8825.2015.02.13
Authors:XIE Lihui  WANG Yu  WANG Gen  LU Hao
Abstract:Taking a project case of rock slope treatment under construction as the study object, this paper, based on a qualitative evaluation of structural slope stability, built a simulation model of this rock slope with UDEC, a discrete element software, and made the comparative analysis on the stress distribution, plastic zone and open joints of the rock slope which was subject to the failure simulated by weakening the rock joint parameters and increasing the vertical acceleration, and had been reinforced timely by the design scheme. The results show that the rock slope failure, generally, experiences three processes, i. e. intermittent joint connecting, surface rock falling and collapsing along joint surface; and the rock slope which is reinforced by the design scheme in time has smaller plastic zone, and the open joints transfer from the front to the back and give a reduction as well, therefore, the slope stability is under control effectively.
Keywords:rock slope  discrete element  simulation calculation  reinforcement effect
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