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引用本文:张海丰,佟来生,陈珍宝,陈明国. 基于疲劳寿命分析的地铁受电弓上框架改进[J]. 电力机车与城轨车辆, 2010, 33(6)
作者姓名:张海丰  佟来生  陈珍宝  陈明国
摘    要:文章分析了地铁受电弓运行过程中导致上框架焊缝开裂的主要影响因素,采用增加加强筋的方式,降低焊缝区域应力,提高焊接处疲劳寿命。运用Matlab和ANSYS软件进行静力学和强度计算,根据疲劳强度曲线进行对比分析。分析结果表明:增加加强筋后,集中应力下降了36.4%,疲劳寿命是结构修改前的3.86倍。

关 键 词:地铁车辆  受电弓  加强筋  静力学  疲劳强度

Improvement of pantograph framed structures for metro vehicles based on fatigue strength analysis
ZHANG Hai-feng,TONG Lai-sheng,CHEN Zhen-bao,CHEN Ming-guo. Improvement of pantograph framed structures for metro vehicles based on fatigue strength analysis[J]. Electric Locomotives & Mass Transit Vehicles, 2010, 33(6)
Authors:ZHANG Hai-feng  TONG Lai-sheng  CHEN Zhen-bao  CHEN Ming-guo
Affiliation:ZHANG Hai-feng,TONG Lai-sheng,CHEN Zhen-bao,CHEN Ming-guo(CSR Zhuzhou Electric Locomotive Co.,Ltd.,Zhuzhou 412001,China)
Abstract:This paper analyses the main influence factors of weld cracking of pantograph framed structures for metro vehicles in the process of operation,reducing stress and increasing fatigue life of welding zone are achieved by adding stiffener.Using Matlab and ANSYS software to static calculation and strength calculation,contrastive analysis is made with fatigue strength curve.The results showthat by adding stiffenerthe maximumstress decrease 36.4 percent,the fatigue life increase 3.84 times.
Keywords:metro vehicle  pantograph  stiffener  static  fatigue strength  
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