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The place of transport in facilitating social inclusion via the mediating influence of social capital
Authors:Janet Stanley  John Stanley  Graham Currie
Affiliation:a Monash Sustainability Institute, Monash University, Australia
b Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies, The University of Sydney, Australia
c School of Psychology and Psychological Medicine, Monash University, Australia
d Institute of Transport Studies, Monash University, Australia
Abstract:Social policy makers rarely associate the ability to be mobile with having a role in the facilitation of social inclusion. This paper provides an initial exploration of the association between a person’s travel patterns and their risk of social exclusion. Information is drawn from a major Australian Research Council transport study which interviewed 535 people from Metropolitan Melbourne, Australia. It includes an analysis of the extent of the person’s bonding and bridging social networks, their connectedness to the community, self-assessed level of well-being and their beliefs about whether or not they are able to control outcomes in their life. It was found that those who had the greatest risk of social exclusion, travelled less often and less distance, owned fewer cars and used public transport less, than those who were more socially included. However, those who were more at risk of social exclusion did not identify their lower trips as due to either a lack of transport, or problems with the public transport system. The ability to have good bridging networks appears to be related to increased trip-making and promotion of social inclusion but not necessarily self-assessed well-being which is satisfied by bonding networks.
Keywords:Social exclusion   Social capital   Well-being   Mobility   Community connectedness
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