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摘    要:以深季节冻土区在建火渤铁路工程为依托,通过对涵洞温度场的现场监测,分析总结涵洞外侧和洞内温度场分布规律,测试结果表明:(1)涵洞外侧温度场分布曲线随季节变化呈近似正弦分布。(2)冬季低温时,涵洞顶部路基本体温度随深度的增加而逐渐升高,但均为负温,内外温差较小。(3)涵洞外壁温度场呈现出明显的阴阳坡效应,阳坡测点温度较阴坡大1.9℃左右。(4)涵洞洞内各测点温度相差不大,由于风流场作用,涵洞各截面较高温度测点均出现在涵洞涵角处,涵角温度高于其他测点1.2℃左右。测试分析结果可为深季节冻土区涵洞的设计与施工提供参考。

关 键 词:深季节冻土区  涵洞  温度场  现场测试

The Test and Analysis of Temperature Field Distribution of Culvert in Deep Seasonal Frozen Region
Affiliation:,College of Civil Engineering,Shijiazhuang Tiedao University
Abstract:With reference to the Huo-Bo Railway engineering in deep seasonal frozen region,the law of the temperature distribution outside and inside the culvert are analyzed through site test of temperature field of culvert. The test results show that:( 1) the outside temperature field distribution curve changes with the season in a form similar to a sine;( 2) the temperatures of the subgrade body on top of the culvert rises gradually with the increase of the depths subject to low temperature in winter,but are all minus with little difference outside and inside;( 3) the temperature field of the side wall of the culvert presents obvious shady and sunny slope effect,the temperature of sunny slope is about 1. 9 ℃ higher than that of the shade slope;(4) the temperature differences of test points in the culvert are small and the test points with higher temperature in each culvert section tend to appear in the corner of the culvert,where the temperature is 1. 2 ℃ higher than that at other test points due to the wind flow field. Testand analysis results may provide references for culvert design and construction in deep seasonal frozen region.
Keywords:Deep seasonal frozen region  Culvert  Temperature field  Site test
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