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时速120 km地铁梯形轨枕轨道现场测试与分析
摘    要:为详细评价速度120 km/h地铁中梯形轨枕轨道的减振效果,通过对某地铁线路现场测试的方法,在时域和频域内对比分析梯形轨枕轨道较普通长枕整体道床轨道的减振效果。结果表明:梯形轨枕轨道从振动根源处就得到了有效的减振且减振的效果较好。普通长枕整体道床轨道能有效减弱振动加速度从钢轨至道床的传播,但是从道床至隧道振动加速度的衰减效果要弱于梯形轨枕轨道。梯形轨枕轨道减振效果整体好于普通长枕整体道床轨道,且能有效地降低中高频段的噪声。

关 键 词:梯形轨枕  时速120km  现场测试  减振效果  地铁

Test and Analysis of Ladder Sleeper Track for 120 km/h Metro
Affiliation:,Key Laboratory of High-speed Railway Engineering,Ministry of Education,Southwest Jiaotong University,School of Civil Engineering,Southwest Jiaotong University
Abstract:In order to evaluate the damping effect of the ladder sleeper track for 120 km/h metro,the damping effect of the ladder sleeper track is analyzed and compared with that of the ordinary long sleeper monolithic track in the time and frequency domain based on the dynamic test of a subway line. The results show that the damping effect of the ladder sleeper track is good and vibration is effectively reduced. The ordinary long sleeper monolithic track can effectively reduce the diffusion of vibration acceleration from rail to track bed,but its damping effect in reducing vibration acceleration from tunnel to track bed is weaker than that of the ladder track. On the whole,the damping effect of is better than that of the ordinary long sleeper monolithic track, and the ladder sleeper track can effectively reduce the middle-high frequency noise.
Keywords:Ladder sleeper track  Speed of 120km/h  In-situ test  Damping effect  Metro
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