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引用本文:邢彦林,魏世恩,甄红. 香港“城铁一体化”开发模式对城际轨道交通可持续发展的启示[J]. 铁道标准设计通讯, 2019, 0(6): 22-25
作者姓名:邢彦林  魏世恩  甄红
摘    要:当前国内城际轨道交通的发展对以轨道交通为导向的城市综合开发提出更高的要求,针对性剖析香港铁路发展历程和成功经验,结合相关数据分析,研究城铁一体化综合开发模式对城际轨道交通可持续发展的作用和意义,对该模式下的财务、政策和技术层面的问题进行探讨,提出城铁一体化开发须在政策层面制定相应的权益流程,实施开发建设的集约化;在运营层面体现共赢原则,构建轨道交通运营+效益返还机制;针对城市各区域发展不同步的特点,在一体化建设中采用灵活的预留机制满足分期建设的需求,最终实现轨道交通的可持续发展。

关 键 词:轨道交通  城铁一体化  综合开发  运营效益  可持续发展

The Reflection on the Integration of Urban & Railway Model of MTR for rail transport of sustainable development from
Affiliation:,China Railway First Survey And Design Institute Group Co., Ltd
Abstract:Based on the current status of domestic intercity rail transit development, this paper introduces the successful experiences of railway development in Hong Kong. Through analyzing the meaning of sustainable development ofIntegration of urban & railway model for the formulation of policy, distribution of benefits and operation of the mechanism, the author has made some concluding observations to integrate multiple traffic in the city for more intensive land use, to formulate a win-win principle for a more balanced profit distribution environment, and to reserve sufficient development margin for staged construction.
Keywords:Rail transit  Integration of urban and railway  Property development  Operational benefits  Sustainable development
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