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引用本文:崔颖辉. 季节性冻土区高速铁路混凝土基床变形研究[J]. 铁道标准设计通讯, 2019, 0(6)
摘    要:
路基冻胀问题是影响季节性冻土区高速铁路平顺性的核心问题之一,严重影响高铁运营质量和安全。混凝土基床是一种新型的高速铁路路基防冻胀结构,能够有效减少路基冻胀问题,但也存在其本身在季节性冻土区气候环境下的变形问题。使用顺序耦合热应力分析对混凝土基床开展仿真计算,分析其在不同长度、不同温度环境下的变形规律。研究结果表明:混凝土基床存在冬季两端翘曲现象,在极端条件下变形差可达4.8 mm,结构长度和环境气温均对变形有影响。

关 键 词:高速铁路  季节性冻土区  混凝土基床  有限元分析

Simulation Study on Deformation of High Speed Railway Concrete Bed in Seasonal Permafrost Regions
Affiliation:,Railway Engineering Research Institute, China Academy of Railway Sciences Corporation Limited
The problem of roadbed frost heaving is one of the core issues affecting the smoothness of high-speed railways in seasonal permafrost zone, and seriously impacts the quality and safety of high-speed railway operations. The concrete bed is a new type of high-speed railway subgrade anti-frost heaving structure. It can effectively mitigate roadbed frost heaving, but also has its own deformation problem subject to seasonal freezing. In this paper, the sequential calculation of thermal stress analysis is conducted to simulate the concrete bed and analyze the deformation law under the condition of different lengths and temperatures. The results show that the concrete bed tends to be warping at both ends in winter, and the deformation difference can reach up to 4.8 mm under extreme conditions, and both the structural length and the ambient temperature affect the deformation.
Keywords:High speed railway  Seasonal permafrost zone  Concrete foundation bed  Finite element analysis
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