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引用本文:杜军,林孝松. 校园环境规划中DEM的建立及应用[J]. 重庆交通大学学报(自然科学版), 2004, 23(Z1): 119-124
作者姓名:杜军  林孝松
摘    要:在Arcview GIS基础平台上主要介绍了在校园环境规划中DEM的建立方法,及对其在校园规划中的应用进行了探讨.文章以某高校为例,通过建立其数字高程模型的地形图数字化方法和GPS定位方法等。绘出校园地理专题地图,并进行三维立体直观感受分析利用,对校园环境规划的信息化进行了应用研究.

关 键 词:环境规划  地理信息系统  数字高程模型

The establish and application of DEM in campus environmental planning
Abstract:This paper introduces the establishing method of the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) based on arcview and probe on its application in campus environmental planning. The article draws the campus geography special subject map, analyzes and uses the 3D stereoscopic direct sense through establishing its digital topographic map method of the DEM and the GPS. Taking some high school as an example, study the application to the information of the campus environment planning.
Keywords:environmental planning   GIS   DEM
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