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Characteristics of truck traffic in Singapore
Authors:T. F. Fwa  B. W. Ang  T. N. Goh
Abstract:This paper presents the results of a project conducted to study the characteristics of truck traffic in Singapore. Detailed traffic surveys recording counts of vehicles by axle-configuration were performed at 219 sites over a period of nearly two years. The surveys covered 5 different road classes, namely expressways, arterials, collectors, industrial roads and local roads. It was found that the time distribution of truck travel were not the same among the five road classes. The peaking characteristics of truck traffic were less pronounced compared to passenger car traffic. The peak hour truck volume varied from 67.0% to 9.7% of the daily truck traffic as compared to 13.8% for passenger car traffic. The lane distribution pattern of truck traffic was studied in detail by road class, and was found to be a function of total directional traffic volume, total directional truck volume and the number of traffic lanes. Composition analysis was also carried out to study the lane use characteristics of single- and multiple-unit trucks.
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