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引用本文:关宝树. 漫谈矿山法隧道技术第四讲——钢架[J]. 隧道建设, 2016, 36(2): 123-130. DOI: 10.3973/j.issn.1672-741X.2016.02.001
作者单位:(西南交通大学, 四川 成都 610031)
摘    要:介绍型钢钢架的类型、应用要点及功能效果。重点阐述能使型钢钢架发挥支护效果的关键因素(包括: 与围岩紧密接触、增强脚部支持力、与喷混凝土形成一体、采用高规格型钢钢架),强调应坚持钢架与围岩间用楔块楔紧;提出当围岩条件恶劣时,可借鉴日本开发的用型钢代替大拱脚的方法;认为当断面大、围岩差时,有必要用高规格的H型钢代替工字钢,可不增加开挖断面面积和喷混凝土的数量。介绍瑞士在Gotthard隧道预计会出现大变形时,采用的可缩式钢支撑,具有使坑道刚性逐渐提高的效果。我国钢架多采用人工架设,速度慢且架设质量难以保证,介绍日本的钢架架设设备(带举重臂的一体型喷射台车和搭载在钻孔台车上的架设机械),这些设备可以提高钢架架设的安全性和作业效率。介绍日本对型钢钢架的施工管理规定。从国外隧道施工趋势来看,采用型钢钢架很少,采用格栅钢架更为普遍。在格栅钢架的应用方面,与国外相比,我国的经验更为成熟。我国的格栅是4肢的,美国、日本、欧洲一些国家的格栅是3肢的。比较详细地介绍了挪威的钢筋肋。日本在二川公路隧道的试验,认为在与标准支护模式同等承载力的条件下,3根主筋构成的格栅,每榀比H型钢大约节约100 kg钢材。日本正在研究用高强度喷混凝土代替型钢钢架的可行性,值得关注。最后强调: 1)钢架如果与围岩不紧密接触,就不可能发挥其应有的支护功能,因此,设置楔块必不可少,喷混凝土时钢架与围岩间要喷密实; 2)应进一步研究格栅钢架和型钢钢架的应用及适用条件。

关 键 词:隧道  矿山法  型钢钢架  可缩式钢支撑  机械化架设  施工管理  格栅钢架  钢筋肋  高强度喷混凝土  

Tunneling by Mining Method: Lecture IV: Steel Arch
GUAN Baoshu. Tunneling by Mining Method: Lecture IV: Steel Arch[J]. Tunnel Construction, 2016, 36(2): 123-130. DOI: 10.3973/j.issn.1672-741X.2016.02.001
Authors:GUAN Baoshu
Affiliation:(Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, Sichuan, China)
Abstract:The types, application key points and functions of shaped steel arch are presented. The key factors, including closely connecting between shaped steel arch and surrounding rocks, strengthening the support of arch feet, closely connecting between shaped steel arch and concrete and using high performance shaped steel arch, which can improve the supporting effect of shaped steel arch, are presented. It is emphasized that the wedge should be used at the connection between steel arch and surrounding rocks. The shaped steel can be used under bad surrounding rocks. The author suggests that the I shaped steel can be replaced by the H shaped steel under large construction cross section and bad surrounding rocks without enlarging the construction cross section and increasing the concreting amount. The retractable steel support used in Gotthard Tunnel in Switzerland can improve the rigidity of the tunnel. The steel arch is installed by labor in China. The steel arch installing machine used in Japan can improve the construction efficiency and guarantee the construction safety. The construction management of steel arch in Japan is presented. The girder is more popular than steel arch in China and abroad. The construction of girder in China is superior to that abroad. The girder used in China has 4 feet and that used in European countries has 3 feet. The reinforcing rib used in Norway is presented in detail. The testing results of highway tunnel in Japan illustrate that the girder with 3 main ribs is superior to the H shaped steel under the same bearing capacities. The practicability of high performance concrete in Japan is studied. The author suggests that the application and applicable conditions of girder and shaped steel arch should be further studied.
Keywords:tunnel  mining method  shaped steel arch  retractable steel support  mechanization  construction management  girder  reinforcing rib  concreting
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