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着力新船型开发 创新做强船舶工业
引用本文:万水生. 着力新船型开发 创新做强船舶工业[J]. 上海造船, 2010, 0(3): 1-3,8
摘    要:回顾了我国船舶工业20年来的发展历程,介绍了近年来我国在船舶设计水平和船型开发优化方面取得的喜人成绩。但与造船业发达国家或地区相比,我国船舶设计、船型研发方面仍有不小差距。针对这些差距,提出了加快3大主流船型的优化和换代开发、高新技术船舶和海洋工程装备开发的发展思路和提高我国船舶设计水平的措施和建议。

关 键 词:船型研发  船型优化  绿色船舶  节能

Strive to Develop New Ship Types, Innovate and Strengthen Shipbuilding Industry
WAN Shui-sheng. Strive to Develop New Ship Types, Innovate and Strengthen Shipbuilding Industry[J]. Shanghai Shipbuilding, 2010, 0(3): 1-3,8
Authors:WAN Shui-sheng
Affiliation:WAN Shui-sheng
Abstract:This article reviews the 20 years of development m the shipbuilding industry of China and introduces China's ship design capability and accomplishment in ship hull optimization m recent years. Yet compared to developed countries, China still needs improvement in design and development of ship types. Strategic means and suggestions are proposed in this article regarding the optimization of the three main ship types and development of new high technology ships and offshore supporting equipment.
Keywords:ship type development  ship type optimization  green ship  energy saving  
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