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引用本文:马伦权,胡幼常. 设计-施工总承包在武汉阳逻长江大桥南锚碇工程中的应用[J]. 交通科技, 2005, 0(5): 115-118
作者姓名:马伦权  胡幼常
作者单位:1. 武汉阳逻长江公路大桥项目部,武汉,430415
2. 武汉理工大学交通学院,武汉,430063
摘    要:介绍武汉阳逻长江公路大桥南锚碇工程采用设计-施工总承包模式的经验,对相关的招标和项目管理工作进行总结.针对我国的实际情况,分析该模式在工程建设中的适用范围.

关 键 词:悬索桥 锚碇 设计-施工总承包 招标 项目管理 武汉阳逻长江公路大桥 施工总承包 锚碇工程 长江大桥 设计 总承包模式 应用 项目管理工作 工程建设

Application of D-B Model to Construction of the South Anchor of Wuhan Yangluo Changjiang Highway Bridge
Ma Lunquan,Hu Youchang. Application of D-B Model to Construction of the South Anchor of Wuhan Yangluo Changjiang Highway Bridge[J]. Transportation Science & Technology, 2005, 0(5): 115-118
Authors:Ma Lunquan  Hu Youchang
Affiliation:1. Management Department of Wuhan Yangluo Changjiang Highway Bridge Project. Wuhan 430415,China; 2. School of Transportation, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430063,China
Abstract:The paper introduces the experience of applying D-B model to the construction of the south anchor of Wuhan Yangluo Changjiang Highway Bridge. It is also summarized how to invite public bid- ding and manage project. The suitability of carrying out D-B model in our country now is discussed.
Keywords:suspension bridge   anchor   D-B   invitation to tender   project management
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