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引用本文:张尚斌,马元起,瞿佩华. 天疱疮的临床分析——附30例病例报告[J]. 西安交通大学学报(医学版), 1982, 0(2)
作者姓名:张尚斌  马元起  瞿佩华
摘    要:1.本文统计30例天疱疮首次住院患者的临床资料,分析口腔等粘膜损害在本病早发症状中的意义,并对地理自然条件在本病流行病学方面予以注意。3.对皮质激素控制天疱疮症状的起始剂量和减停后症状反跳关系进行对比,并对免疫抑制剂早用的价值予以讨论。2.对比本病疮面局部处理的方法,并推荐0.1%雷夫奴尔油纱布包扎法的优点。

A Clinical Analysis of Pemphigus(report of 30 cases)
Abstract:30 patients (16 females 14 males; age of 7-72 years, the mean age of45. 4 years)with various pemphigus for the first time admitted to our hospitalduring the period of 1959-1979 have been studied. It was important torecognize mucous lesions in the early stage of diagnosing the disease. Itwas fouud that the disease was characterized with their living district. Thecorticosteroid therapy and early application of immunosuppressive wasdiscussed. It sbould be suggested that the local application of Rivanolointment gauze give good results.
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