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引用本文:拾方治,孙大权,罗芳艳,吕伟民,朱良镨. 泡沫沥青混合料物理力学特性的试验研究[J]. 公路, 2004, 0(5): 142-146
作者姓名:拾方治  孙大权  罗芳艳  吕伟民  朱良镨
作者单位:1. 同济大学交通运输工程学院,上海市,200092
2. 上海浦东路桥建设有限公司,上海市,200120
摘    要:泡沫沥青混合料是一种全新的道路材料,其有关特性尚不完全清楚。本文以泡沫沥青稳定2种骨料(新砂石料和回收料)为基础,从材料的选取与级配的组成、沥青的最佳发泡条件、混合料拌和方法及养护方案等几个方面提出一种泡沫沥青混合料的研究方法,并对该材料的物理性质和强度特性进行了研究。结果表明泡沫沥青混合料密度较小,空隙率较大,其强度能够满足路面设计规范关于基层设计参数的要求。水泥作为填料对泡沫沥青混合料强度影响不大,其主要作用是能显著改善水稳性。

关 键 词:泡沫沥青混合料 物理力学特性 试验研究 道路材料 级配 密度

Laboratory Research on Physical and Mechanical Characteristics of Foamed Bitumen Mixtures
SHI Fang zhi ,SUN Da quan ,LUO Fang yan ,L Wei min ,ZHU Liang pu. Laboratory Research on Physical and Mechanical Characteristics of Foamed Bitumen Mixtures[J]. Highway, 2004, 0(5): 142-146
Authors:SHI Fang zhi   SUN Da quan   LUO Fang yan   L Wei min   ZHU Liang pu
Affiliation:SHI Fang zhi 1,SUN Da quan 1,LUO Fang yan 2,L Wei min 1,ZHU Liang pu 2
Abstract:As a new type of road material, the characteristics of foamed bitumen mixture are not understood fully. On the basis of two kinds of aggregates (Well graded clean gravels and recycled pavement material) treated with foamed bitumen, a research plan on foamed bitumen mix is put forward from the selection of material, gradation, the best foaming condition of bitumen mixing method, and curing means in this paper. According to this plan, the physical and strength characteristics of these materias are discussed The results indicate that the density of these two kinds of materials is lower, but thevoidiscontrary,andthestrengthofthematerialscanmeettherequirementsofroadbasein China The cement as one kind of fillers which hardly enhances the strength plays a great role in improving water resistance
Keywords:foamed bitumen mixture  physical characteristic  strength characteristic  water resistance
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