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长江南京以下12.5 m深水航道一期工程整治物模试验效果*
引用本文:刘高峰,贾 晓,吴华林,郭文华. 长江南京以下12.5 m深水航道一期工程整治物模试验效果*[J]. 水运工程, 2013, 0(5): 11-18
作者姓名:刘高峰  贾 晓  吴华林  郭文华
摘    要:针对太仓至南通河段两个重点碍航河段——通州沙水道和白茆沙水道的碍航特点,实施长江南京以下12.5 m深水航道一期工程,目标是使12.5 m深水航道从目前的太仓港上延至南通港.通过动床物理模型试验对该一期工程平面方案进行研究.研究结果表明:一期工程能起到较明显的沙体守护效果,通州沙顺堤和齿坝能遏制通州沙及狼山沙沙体左缘的冲刷后退,并能遏制狼山沙窜沟的冲刷发展,且狼山沙东水道碍航浅段水深条件有所改善.一期工程亦能起到较明显的白茆沙沙体守护效果,能遏制沙头冲刷后退的趋势,该工程对白茆沙头部南侧的小沙包有较明显冲刷作用,白茆沙南水道进口段有一定程度冲刷,航行条件改善.因此预计一期工程可以达到工程建设目标.

关 键 词:南京以下12.5 m深水航道  一期工程  通白河段  航道整治

Physical model study on phase I project of 12.5 m deep-water navigation channel from Nanjing down the Yangtze River
LIU Gao-feng,JIA Xiao,WU Hua-lin and GUO Wen-hua. Physical model study on phase I project of 12.5 m deep-water navigation channel from Nanjing down the Yangtze River[J]. Port & Waterway Engineering, 2013, 0(5): 11-18
Authors:LIU Gao-feng  JIA Xiao  WU Hua-lin  GUO Wen-hua
Affiliation:Shanghai Estuarine & Coastal Science Research Center, Shanghai 201201, China;Shanghai Estuarine & Coastal Science Research Center, Shanghai 201201, China;Shanghai Estuarine & Coastal Science Research Center, Shanghai 201201, China;Shanghai Estuarine & Coastal Science Research Center, Shanghai 201201, China
Abstract:In view of two obstacle segments of navigation channel from Taicang to Nantong which were named TZS (Tong Zhou Shoal) Waterway and BMS (Bai Mao Shoal) Waterway, the first phase project of 12.5 m deep-water navigation channel project was designed and now under buliding. The project would make 12.5 m deepwater channel extent from Taicang port to Nantong port. In order to test project effects, movable-bed physical model was designed to optimize layout of the project. TZS sub-project can make obvious effect to prevent shoal erosion, training dike and tooth groins could prevent washing back of left edge of TZS shoal and LSS (Lang Shan Shoal) shoal, erosion development process of scour channel between TZS and LSS could also be prevented. The navigation condition of deep water channel in the east LSS waterway could be improved. BMS sub-project can also make obvious effect to prevent shoal erosion, and change the backward trend of shoal caused by erosion. And also, small sand bar locating in south channel of BMS shoal which cause navigation obstruction was also significantly eroded, navigation condition of the inlet section of south channel of BMS shoal was also improved for the project. In conclusion, the project can achieve the goal of engineering construction.
Keywords:12.5 m deep-water navigation channel from Nanjing   phase I project   TZS waterway and BMS waterway  channel regulation project
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