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引用本文:中国城市交通发展论坛课题组. 公交出行分担率及公交优先发展评价研究[J]. 城市交通, 2014, 0(5): 11-17
摘    要:近年有的部门和地方政府将公共交通机动化出行分担率作为硬性考核指标。然而,评价指标单一以及对量化值的过分强调,在指导城市公交优先发展实践时将存在局限甚至误导隐患。鉴于此,对公交出行分担率及其评价城市公交优先发展的实施情况开展研究。首先分析公交出行分担率指标使用现状及其评价复杂系统的局限性。深入剖析公交优先发展与交通拥堵、城市规划、能源环境等要素的互动机理。以倡导绿色出行为目标、以通勤出行公交出行分担率为核心,提出三类八项评价指标及其计算模型。最后,从评价指标选用、公共交通与土地利用协调、绿色出行环境建设及管理、公共交通内部各方式协调发展、数据共享等方面提出公交优先实施策略及建议。

关 键 词:公共交通  公共交通优先发展  评价指标  公交出行分担率  出租汽车

Public Transit Mode Share and Evaluation on Prioritizing Public Transportation Development
Abstract:Public transit mode share is considered as an important mandatory evaluation indicator in many departments and local governments in recent years. However, the simplicity of one single evaluation index and over-emphasizing on quantitative term have limited or even misled the practice. Thus, this paper stud-ies the public transit mode share and evaluation of prioritizing urban public transportation development. By reviewing the usage of public transit mode share and its limitations in evaluating complex systems, the paper analyzes the relationship and interaction between public transportation priority development and sev-eral factors such as traffic congestion, urban planning, energy and environment. Emphasizing green trans-portation and public transit mode share in commuting travel, the paper proposes eight evaluation indicators in three categories with corresponding calculation models. Finally, the paper provides suggestions on priori-tizing public transportation development in several aspects: evaluation indicators selection, coordination between public transportation and land use, environment improvement and management for green transpor-tation, coordinated development of multiple modes of public transportation, and data sharing.
Keywords:public transportation  prioritizing public transportation development  evaluation indicators  public transit mode share  taxi
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