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An anti-motion device for a very large floating structure
Affiliation:1. IBS, 3 Skladochnaya street, Moscow 127018, Russia;2. Institute of Control Sciences RAS, 65 Profsoyuznaya street, Moscow 117997, Russia
Abstract:We proposed a simple anti-motion device, which is a box-shaped body attached to an edge of VLFS. The performance of this device is investigated theoretically and experimentally in the present work. The theory is based on the eigen-function expansion method and the extension of this method to the oblique sea case is presented. The experiment is carried out in a wave tank with small-scale models. Both experimental results and the theoretical results show that the anti-motion performance of this device is very good at the design period in the case of beam-sea. The theory also demonstrates that this device reduces not only the deformation but also the shearing force and the moment of the platform and it also works well in the oblique sea.
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