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作者单位:中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所 北京100029(常中华,刘彤,伍法权),新疆生产建设兵团勘测设计院工程所 新疆乌鲁木齐830002(陈厚军),新疆塔里木河流域管理局 新疆库尔勒834000(黄小宁)
摘    要:

关 键 词:电站地下厂房  高陡边坡  稳定性分析

Analysis on the Slop Stability of the Underground Workshop of Xiabandi Reservoir Power Plant in Xinjiang
CHANG Zhong-hua,CHEN Hou-jun,LIU Tong,WU Fa-quan,HUANG Xiao-ning. Analysis on the Slop Stability of the Underground Workshop of Xiabandi Reservoir Power Plant in Xinjiang[J]. Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development, 2005, 0(Z2)
Authors:CHANG Zhong-hua  CHEN Hou-jun  LIU Tong  WU Fa-quan  HUANG Xiao-ning
Affiliation:CHANG Zhong-hua~1,CHEN Hou-jun~2,LIU Tong~1,WU Fa-quan~1,HUANG Xiao-ning~3
The proposed power plant workshop of Xiabandi reservoir may be constructed underground,with its upper slope 1229m high.Excavation of the underground workshop will interact with steep and high slope inevitably.Simulation of the interaction of workshop cave and its upper slop is made with the program Flac-3D.Based on stress distribution of the slop,there is no any obvious difference from its original.Therefore,the workshop excavation hardly affects the slop stress distribution.Similarly,the cave is slightly affected by the slop only with several centimeters displacement.Therefore,after the underground workshop construction,the workshop cave and the slope will not interact too much by each other.However,by the structural analysis of upper rock mass of the slope,rock falling and landslide occurs in certain range.It is necessary to take measures to control the falling and sliding.
Keywords:Underground workshop of power plant  High and steep slope  Stability analysis
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