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Development of the Software for Calculating Tunnel Portal Structure Based on the Theory of Limit State Method北大核心CSCD
作者单位:1.China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co.Ltd, Chengdu610031;2.School of Civil Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu610031;
摘    要:The limit states of railway tunnel portal structure including compression, tensile, anti-overturning, antisliding and bearing capacity of foundation should be considered when portal structure is designed based on the prob⁃ ability limit state method. In order to evaluate the reliability of portal structure, the reliability index and limit state of bearing capacities of different limit states need to be calculated. The traditional methods generally use hand compu⁃ tation combined with MATTLAB, ANSYS, EXCEL and other softwares, which has low computation efficiency and poor practicality. In view of above problems, a calculating software for portal structure was developed based on the probability limit state method and Visual Basic platform, which realizes the function of rapid calculation of reliabili⁃ ty index and limit state of bearing capacities under five limit states of portal structure, offers three methods to calcu⁃ late the reliability index including JC method, fractile method and Monte-Carlo method. Moreover, the calculation results can be written in the EXCEL template file, greatly improving the efficiency of tunnel portal structure calcula⁃ tion. The accuracy of the software is verified by comparing with the results of hand calculation. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.

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