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引用本文:田伟平,李惠萍,武炎. 沿河公路的丁坝群冲刷防护试验研究[J]. 重庆交通大学学报(自然科学版), 2003, 22(3): 111-115
作者姓名:田伟平  李惠萍  武炎
摘    要:丁坝是山区沿河路基常用的冲刷防护构造物,而且以群坝防护形式居多.群坝防护时,坝长和坝间距是重要的设计参数.通过理论分析和模型试验,对顺直河段和弯曲河段中丁坝群的水流形态、冲刷规律进行分析研究,并以防护长度和冲刷深度作为控制指标,提出了沿顺直河段和河弯凹岸布设丁坝群的计算方法,指出群坝中的1#坝应该比较短,其它各坝坝长可以相同,1#坝坝长为其它各坝坝长的一半比较适宜.在弯道中,水流形态,冲刷特点更为复杂,群坝的间距应该更小,但仍然可以根据直道中的计算方法确定坝间距.建立群坝间距计算方法时,已考虑到天然河段与室内水槽模型差异.

关 键 词:沿河公路  丁坝群  冲刷深度  回流区长度  丁坝间距

The study of spure-dikes protection for subgrade river side
Abstract:Spur dike is a common structure for scour protection of subgrade river side,and spur dikes are applied usually.The length and separate distance of spur dikes are important design parameters.The flow pattern and scour law around spur dikes in the straight and bend channel are studied based on theory analysis and model test,put forward the method to arrange spur dikes controlled by protection region and scour depth,point out that the 1#spur dike which is shorter and of half length of others is suitable,and others are same in length.In bend chnnel,the separate distance of spur dikes should be shorter due to flow pattern and scour law are more complicated,but the method for the straight channel can be consulted to determine separate distance of spur dikes.The difference between river and model channel are already considered in the method.
Keywords:subgrade river side  spur-dikes  scour depth  protection region  separate distance
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