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引用本文:李冬琴,杨永祥,蒋志勇. 一种多学科设计优化近似模型构建方法[J]. 中国造船, 2011, 0(3)
作者姓名:李冬琴  杨永祥  蒋志勇
基金项目:江苏省自然科学基金(BK2009722); 江苏省高校自然科学研究计划项目(09KJD580004)
摘    要:通过采用单个参数控制样本的误差界限、采用Laplace损失函数和改变置信区间项,给出了一种基于单参数的Lagrangian支持向量回归算法。以实际数值函数为例,通过采用三组不同样本集进行拟合训练,构建了基于支持向量机的近似模型;以石油平台支援船总阻力估算为例,通过与模型试验及其他典型方法的对比,检验了算法用于近似模型构建的准确性和适用性。研究结果表明,采用支持向量机方法构建近似模型在小样本条件下比神经网络等传统方法具有更好的泛化性和推广能力,能够有效提高计算精度与优化效率,在复杂系统多学科优化设计中具有很大的应用价值。

关 键 词:船舶、舰船工程  支持向量机  近似模型  多学科设计优化  协同优化  

Research on Construction Method of Approximation Model Based on Support Vector Machines
LI Dongqin,,YANG Yongxiang,JIANG Zhiyong. Research on Construction Method of Approximation Model Based on Support Vector Machines[J]. Shipbuilding of China, 2011, 0(3)
Authors:LI Dongqin    YANG Yongxiang  JIANG Zhiyong
Affiliation:LI Dongqin1,2,YANG Yongxiang1,JIANG Zhiyong 1(1.School of Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering,Jiangsu University of Science and Technology,Zhenjiang 212003,China,2.Jiangsu Modern Shipbuilding Technology.,Ltd.,China)
Abstract:A new algorithm named Single-parameter Lagrangian Support Vector Regression is proposed in this article.The algorithm has only one parameter to control the errors,as well as adopts the Laplace loss function and changes the item of confidence interval at the same time.Taking the numerical function as an example,three different training date sets are used to construct the approximation model with support vector machines.In the resistance estimation of the offshore support vessel,comparing with the model test ...
Keywords:ship engineering  Support Vector Machines  approximation model  multidisciplinary design optimization  collaborative optimization  
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