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An approach to the evaluation of changes in travel unreliability: A “Safety margin” hypothesis
Authors:Knight  Trevor E.
Affiliation:(1) Department of the Environment, Marsham Street, SW1 London, U.K.
Abstract:Even where unreliability has been recognised as a significant component in the generalised cost of trip-making, few attempts have been made to quantify it in the evaluation of transport improvements. This neglect is perhaps explained by the difficulty of observing a suitable ldquotrade-offrdquo situation in which transport users can trade money directly or indirectly for improved reliability of their transport modes.This article investigates the characteristics of a possible trade-off which might be made by commuters — the allowance of extra time for travelling in order to avoid unpredictable lateness at destination. The form of the costs of a response to unreliability of this nature is considered within a more general framework of the allocation of time under uncertainty or risk conditions.Certain other approaches to the evaluation of travel unreliability are reviewed and a brief outline is given to a current research project which attempts to test the applicability of the ldquosafety marginrdquo in London commuters' timing of the trips that they take to work.Any views expressed in this article are those of the author and are not necessarily those of the Department of the Environment.
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