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引用本文:叶俊,龙志强. 磁浮列车系统故障模型的建立与分析[J]. 城市轨道交通研究, 2007, 10(3): 24-28,32
作者姓名:叶俊  龙志强
基金项目:国家自然科学基金 , 湖南省自然科学基金
摘    要:作为一种新型的交通工具,磁浮列车对安全性和可靠性有着极高的要求.系统的故障模型是对系统进行故障预防、故障诊断,从而提高系统安全性、可靠性的重要基础.分析了国防科技大学CMS-03A型磁浮列车的结构,阐述了磁悬浮列车中供电、悬浮、牵引/制动三个重要子系统的结构、工作原理和故障状态,并由此建立了磁浮列车关键子系统的故障模型.结合关键子系统的故障模型,在整理和综合前人研究工作的基础上,提出了一套相对完整的磁浮列车系统故障模型并对故障事件进行等级划分.这是一个开放的模型,可以通过后继的工作对其进行进一步的细化和扩展.模型使用动态故障树方法(FTA / DFTA)中的一些常用符号表达逻辑关系,但并不依赖于故障树方法或者其他某种具体的故障诊断方法,可以作为今后CMS-03A型磁浮列车故障分析研究的平台.

关 键 词:磁浮列车系统  故障模型  故障树形图分析

Establishment and Analysis of System Fault Model for Maglev Train
Ye Jun,Long Zhiqiang. Establishment and Analysis of System Fault Model for Maglev Train[J]. Urban Mass Transit, 2007, 10(3): 24-28,32
Authors:Ye Jun  Long Zhiqiang
Affiliation:Engineering Research Center of Maglev Technology, National University of Defense and Technology,410073, Changsha, China
Abstract:As one kind of new transportation vehicles , the maglev train has an extremely high request for the security and reliability. Withfunctions of the accident prevention and breakdown diagnosis,the system fault model is ani mportant foundationto en- hancethe safety and reliability of the system. This paper analyzes the structure of CMS-03A Maglev Train whichis researched and developed by the National Defense Science and Technology Univer- sity, describes the structure,the working principal and the mal- functionstate of three major sub-systems :supply system,suspen- sion system and draught/brake system. On these bases ,the key subsystemfault models of maglev train are established.Integrating these key subsystemfault models withthe whole systemand onthe foundation of previous studies ,this paper puts forward a relatively comprehensivesystemfault model for maglev train,and carries on the rank divisiontothe breakdown events . This is an open model , which can be further refined and expanded through the successivework,and employs some commonly used symbols of Dynamic Fault Tree Analysis (FTA/DFTA) to express logical relation. AS the model does not dependent on FTA/DFTA or other specific method of fault diagnosis ,it can be used as a platformfor CMS-03 Afault analysisinthe future.
Keywords:maglev train   fault model   fault tree analysis
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