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引用本文:刘继峰. 抗雪灾保春运中国铁路打赢攻坚战[J]. 世界轨道交通, 2008, 0(3): 32-35
摘    要:2008年伊始,一场半个世纪以来最为严重的冰雪灾害席卷江南大地。突如其来的冰冻灾难,导致湘黔电网局部崩溃,京广铁路因停电中断,京珠高速公路陷于瘫痪,多个民航机场关闭,湖南、贵州、湖北、江西电网全面告急。此时,铁路春运节前高峰已经显现。一时间,数百万归心似箭的旅客滞留归途!群众生产生活急需的电煤库存频频告急!连续十多天的暴风雪,让人们把回家过年的希望寄托在铁路那伸向远方的钢轨、那驶向家乡的列车上。从心忧天下的国家最高领导人,到渴盼回家过年的普通农民工,一束束希望的目光聚焦铁路。作为国民经济大动脉,铁路必须担当。于是,在中华民族抗冰救灾的壮歌中,一列列满载电煤的钢铁巨龙,风驰电掣,到祖国最需要的地方去;一列列满载旅客的温馨列车,穿越冰雪,到人民最需要的地方去。

关 键 词:中国铁路 冰雪灾害 铁路春运 京珠高速公路 江西电网 京广铁路 民航机场 国民经济

China Railway Winning the Battle with Snowstorm
By our Correspondent Liu Jifeng, Beijing. China Railway Winning the Battle with Snowstorm[J]. , 2008, 0(3): 32-35
Authors:By our Correspondent Liu Jifeng   Beijing
Abstract:At the beginning of 2008, the most serious snow disaster swept south China. The sudden disaster led the part collapse of the power grid in Hunan and Guizhou, inter-rupted the normal running of Beijing-Guangzhou Railway, and the Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway was also locked, a number of civil air-ports were closed, the power grids were comprehensively in an emer-gency in Hunan, Guizhou, Hubei, and Jiangxi. Therefore, a series of steel dragon loaded with coal, ran to the place in China where it is needed most; a series of warm train loaded with passengers, ran to the place where people needed it most.
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