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引用本文:张宜华,喻斌. 《重庆市城镇道路平面交叉口设计规范》解析[J]. 城市交通, 2015, 0(4): 65-69. DOI: 10.13813/j.cn11-5141/u.2015.0411
作者姓名:张宜华  喻斌
作者单位:1. 重庆市市政设计研究院,重庆,400020;2. 同济大学交通运输工程学院,上海,200092
摘    要:《重庆市城镇道路平面交叉口设计规范》(DBJ 50/T178—2014)于2014年5月1日起施行,用以规范指导重庆市道路平面交叉口设计工作。《规范》编制遵循以人为本,因地制宜,公交优先,规划、设计、管理一体化的指导原则。《规范》的创新之处包括:根据建成区环境和地形特征执行有差异的设计标准以适应实地环境、避免过度建设;明确平面交叉口选型的考虑因素和选型办法;细化交叉口视距三角形停车视距等。此外,《规范》还详细规定了设计车型、行人过街设施、路缘石转弯半径、无障碍过街设施、公交站台长度等内容。

关 键 词:道路平面交叉口  规范  交通分析  设计流程  几何线型

Discussion on Urban Roadway At-grade Intersection Design Standardin Chongqing
Abstract:Urban Roadway At-grade Intersection Design Standardin Chongqing(DBJ 50/T178—2014) has been implemented since May 1st, 2014, which provides the guidance for urban intersections design in Chongqing. This paper explains the principles of the standard, including public transit priority, and integra-tion of planning, design and management. The paper summarizes the innovative ideas in the specification as follows: adopting context sensitive design standard according to the environment and terrain of urban built-up area to avoid excessive construction, identifying the influential factors on the selection of intersec-tion layout and the method, adjusting the standard of stopping sight distance at intersections, and etc. Fur-thermore, the specification also defines the designed vehicle type, pedestrian crossing facilities, turning ra-dius of curb, obstacle-free crossing facilities, and length of bus stops in detail.
Keywords:at-grade intersection  specification  traffic analysis  design process  layout design
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